Welcome to our latest Parish news.



March 2025

My Community Voice Kent Logo

The Police

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Courier Fraud Alert!

There has been an increase in Courier Fraud in your local area!

What is Courier Fraud?

Courier Fraud occurs when a criminal contacts a victim by telephone, purporting to be a police officer or bank official. To substantiate this claim, the caller might be able to confirm some basic details about the victim such as their full name and address. They claim there is an issue with your bank account, they have someone in custody or request your assistance with an ongoing bank or Police investigation. The ultimate aim of this call is to convince you into parting with your money either in person, online, via the post office or a money service bureau or in a bank. They may even ask you to buy high value goods, foreign currency or gift cards such as Amazon, iTunes etc.

The caller may also offer a telephone number for the victim to telephone or ask the victim to call the number on the back of their bank card to check that they are genuine. In these circumstances, either the number offered will not be genuine or, where a genuine number is suggested, the criminal will stay on the line and pass the victim to a different individual.

The caller may also ask you to lie to the bank staff as they may ‘be in on it’ and tell you to say it is for house renovations, a new car or your family members.

Your bank, the police or His Majesty’s Revenue and Customs will never:

· call and ask you for your full PIN or full banking password.

· ask you to lie.

· ask you to withdraw money to hand over to them.

· ask you to purchase high value jewellery, watches or foreign currency.

· ask you to purchase a gift cards or high value goods.

· ask you to transfer money out of your account.

How to protect yourself

· Be extremely wary of unsolicited phone calls from your bank or the police, particularly if they are requesting personal information.

· End the call, call back on a different phone line or on a mobile. If this is not possible, wait 5 minutes before calling back. STOP, HANG UP, CALL 159. 159 is a short-code phone service that connects people safely to their bank’s fraud prevention service or for the police dial ‘101’.

· Speak to friends or family before carrying out any actions.

· Don’t trust claims made by cold callers.

· Never hand over your money, bank cards or make purchases following an unexpected call.

· Never share your PIN, One-time passwords (OTPs) or passwords with anyone.

Please remember this key message: The A B C of Scam Awareness

Never ASSUME – never assume a caller is genuine.

Never BELIEVE – never believe a caller is genuine – scammers may ‘spoof’ official telephone numbers, so the call display may show your banks telephone number, but it does not mean it is a genuine call.

Always CONFIRM – always confirm if the call is genuine – ask for identification (name, branch, employee number etc). Tell the caller you will hang up and call back to confirm. Call the bank on the number shown on their website using a different phone or wait at least 10 minutes. Ask if it was a genuine call.

If you have paid money or shared your bank details, contact your bank’s fraud team straight away.

Fraud Prevention Co-ordinator (WEST)



March 2025

My Community Voice Kent Logo

The Police

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Donation of old bicycles for young persons intervention

The Child Centred Policing Team are looking to set up an intervention project with switch youth services in Maidstone town centre where young people can come along and repair old bikes. The intentions of the project are to divert offending, learn new skills, enforce some core values as well as break down barriers with police.

Cycles UK have agreed to support the project and ensure that once fixed, the bicycles are road safe. However we are looking for members of the public to kindly donate bicycles for young people aged between 11-16. If you are in a position to help us then please drop us a message and we will be in touch.



March 2025

My Community Voice Kent Logo

Neighbourhood Watch

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You can help us shape the future strategy of Neighbourhood Watch

As a valued Neighbourhood Watch Supporter, Member or Volunteer, we want to invite you to share your views. Our current 5-Year Strategy comes to an end in December 2025 and we are in the process of developing a new strategy.

We are really interested in your thoughts, views and opinions about Neighbourhood Watch and what you think the movement should focus on over the next 5 years. The survey should take about 10 minutes and will give us a good insight into what you think and want.

By analysing the survey results we will be able to hold more in depth and detailed workshops and consultation events with stakeholders develop a new strategy that is ambitious, relevant and reflective of the views of supporters, members, volunteer, the public and other stakeholders. Please complete the survey so we can hear your voice and views.

Please click here to complete the survey



March 2025

The police

My community voice kent logoMessage type icon


Maidstone Town Team attended a report that a vulnerable person had jewellery stolen out of their bag whilst inside a licenced venue in the town centre. The officers took details and conducted fast time CCTV enquiries which enabled them to establish what the suspect looked like. This image was then shared with CCTV operators who were able to quickly locate the suspect.

The suspect was then detained enroute to a brokers and all of the stolen jewellery found on their person. The suspect was arrested, the sentimental items returned to the victim.

This was all thanks to the business reporting on behalf of the victim, golden hour enquiries completed by the officers on scene and most importantly the officers already established relationships with partner agencies.

The suspect spent the night in custody where he was remanded to court by investigating officers.

Please make sure to keep an eye on your personal belongings when out and about, and report any suspicious behaviour to staff or if needed Police.

Neighbourhood alert

Cyber essentials



March 2025

Holi Celebration - Festival of Colours

Maidstone Town Team have had the honour of being invited to attend the Holi Celebration in Millenium Green Park.  We thoroughly enjoyed seeing everyone and hope everyone had a good time celebrating!



March 2025



March 2025


There has been a significant rise in dog thefts within the area. We are advising people to:-

vary their walks (time and location);
ensure their details are up to date on the microchip databases;
keep their gardens secure, maybe consider putting a tracker on the dogs collar.



March 2025

My Community Voice Kent Logo

The Police

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Over £40,000 of Illegal Tobacco Seized

Maidstone Town Team have been gathering intelligence in relation to the sale of illegal or counterfeit cigarettes. Patrols entered the business premises on Upper Stone Street at around 3pm on Friday 28 February to carry out an inspection, alongside partners from Maidstone Borough Council and KCC Trading Standards.

Almost 20kg of illicit tobacco and around 2,000 packets of illegal cigarettes (or 40,000 individual cigarettes) being sold to fund organised crime have been seized for destruction from a shop in Maidstone. The confiscated goods have an estimated recommended retail price of £45,356.

During the search, officers found two hides; one of which required a strong magnet to open. The other was accessed by operating a modified light switch. Alongside the hoard of illicit tobacco products, an air-powered revolver was retrieved, for which the business did not have the appropriate licences to sell.

The work being done by the team and the intelligence provided by members of public have helped fuel our searches and inspections. Helping take funding away from organised crime groups.

Investigating officer, PC Cunningham, said:

‘Counterfeit tobacco and vape products pose serious health risks to users. Their manufacture is not regulated meaning they often contain higher levels of chemicals, as well as ingredients not fit for human consumption, such as animal hair and human faeces.

‘In a wider, detrimental impact to the community, those involved in the production and distribution of such goods are often connected with organised crime groups. These criminals have not only been found to breach employment regulations, but often participate in illegal activities such as human trafficking, child sexual exploitation, and drug smuggling.

‘In choosing to purchase the often cheaper, illicit tobacco and vape products, members of the public are not only compromising their health but are unknowingly funding abhorrent crimes.

‘We urge anyone with information about the sale of these items to contact Kent Police, or report concerns anonymously via Crimestoppers.’

Please see below articles regarding the dangers of using fake/counterfeit nicotine products.

Warning over fake vaping devices after test in Derby reveals one had three 'poisons' | ITV News Central

Counterfeit Nicotine Pouches Pose Rising Health Risks, Warn Experts | Psychreg



March 2025

Paper Copies of the Lidsing Garden Supplementary Planning Document can be obtained from Boxley Parish Council's offices, Beechen Hall, Wildfell Close, Walderslade, Chatham, ME5 9RU.

KCC - Lidsing Road, Lidsing - Temporary Speed Restrictions


March 2025



March 2025



March 2025

Residents and businesses are being invited to Community Voice Sessions on Thursday 6 March between 3pm and 9pm and Monday 10 March between 11am and 1pm. They will be held in Blacksmith’s Barn, Blacksmith’s Court in Bredhurst, ME7 3JU for people to share their ideas to help shape the planned new development in Lidsing.The Lidsing Garden Settlement is an area that has been identified for major new development in the Local Plan Review 2021-2038, which was adopted by Maidstone Borough Council (MBC) in March 2024.Work has started to prepare a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) for the site, which will provide further guidance about how the new community should be developed.In addition to these local community sessions, there will be an online opportunity to share any ideas.Further engagement will then take place over the coming months.Some key topics for discussion for Lidsing will include:- Movement and transport in the local area- Creation of new open space and play provision- The new local centre and other key facilities and infrastructureIf you are driving to the event, parking is available at The Bell Pub Restaurant. There is limited parking space available s at Blacksmith's Barn which will be reserved for blue badge holders.Read the full article here: https://news.maidstone.gov.uk/.../everyone-welcome-at...



March 2025

My Community Voice Kent Logo

The Police

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Please register your CCTV and Doorbell Camera

Do you have a security or doorbell camera?

Sign up to our CCTV Registry and help keep your community safe.

It’s free, secure, and quick to register

Your camera footage could be used to support investigations, bringing criminals to justice, and making your area a safer place to live.

Please note:

· We do not have access to your cameras.

· We can only view the location of registered cameras.

· We always contact the camera owner to request footage.

To learn more about this, click here and also see the attached poster.

Please do share this message using the share button below into other social media platforms and with family and friends so they can also benefit from receiving all of the information that you do, from this platform.

many thanks, Ben



March 2025



March 2025

My Community Voice Kent Logo

The Police

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Bike Marking

Officers from Maidstone Neighbourhood attended a training session for Kent Youth Trials Club in order to complete Bike Marking with individuals there.

Kent Youth Trials Club Officers offers the opportunity for young people to legally and safely use trial bikes and develop their skills for competitions.

Bike Marking aides the Police in identifying Bikes and helps us return lost or stolen bikes to their rightful owners.

Thank you to Richard and everyone at the club to welcoming us to their session and engaging well in the process.

PC Johnson 14681


Bike marking.jpg



March 2025

My Community Voice Kent Logo

The Police

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Nuisance Off-Road Vehicle - North Downs

Over the last 7 days PC Denney and I have responded to reports of nuisance off-road vehicles, particularly dirt bikes and quad bikes, misusing byways across the North Downs. Mobile patrols have been undertaken to engage with those using the various byways and deter any misuse, and a number of individuals using these routes were spoken with.

Please continue to report any instances of suspected misuse of byways, as enforcement action will be undertaken where appropriate. If a vehicle registration is present on the vehicle, please ensure this is provided. Should there be no vehicle registration, a description of the vehicle is beneficial.



February 2025

My Community Voice Kent Logo

Neighbourhood Watch

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Nominate Your Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator for the BBC Make A Difference Awards 2025!

We are excited to announce that the nominations for the BBC Make A Difference Awards 2025 are now officially open! This is your opportunity to celebrate and show appreciation for the incredible individuals and groups who make a positive impact in our communities.

We invite you to nominate your Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator for any of the following categories:

· Community Group

· Fundraiser

· Animal Award

· Green Award

· Active local volunteer

· Young Hero

· Volunteer

· Great Neighbour Award

Please click on the various individual categories to find out more about that award and the criteria and access to the nomination form for that category.

These prestigious awards are a fantastic way to say thank you and recognise the hard work of those who go above and beyond to improve the lives of others. The winners in each category will be selected by a panel of judges, and awards will be presented across each local BBC radio station.

The Make A Difference Awards 2025 were officially launched on Monday, 24th February 2025 on BBC’s One Show. Could one of our amazing Neighbourhood Watch Coordinators be the next local hero to be recognised?

Last year, our very own Cheryl Spruce, Head of Membership and Community Engagement, was nominated and proudly won in her local region in London. Could this be your year to shine?

Nominations are now open and it’s time to put forward those who deserve to be celebrated! If you know someone who fits the bill, we encourage you to submit a nomination. Together, we can help amplify the wonderful work being done in our communities. The link can be found HERE.

Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to showcasing our wonderful volunteers in their local regions.


KCC Road Closure - Urgent Road Closure - Forstal Road, Sandling


February 2025



February 2025

SENT ON BEHALF OF KCC - SGN - Temporary Road Closure - Sandling Lane & Boxley Road, Penenden Heath - 24th February 2025 (Maidstone District)


February 2025

SGN - Temporary Road Closure -Sandling Lane & Boxley Road,Penenden Heath -24th February 2025 (Maidstone District)

Due to works planned to be undertaken by SGN, it will be necessary to close part of Sandling Lane & Boxley Road, Penenden Heath, from 24th February 2025 with estimated completion by 12th May 2025.

Sandling Lane will be closed between the junctions of Invicta Park and Boxley Road. To the extent indicated by signs and barriers on site.

Boxley Road will be closed between the junctions of Boxley Close and Sandling Lane. To the extent indicated by signs and barriers on site.

The alternative route for any Sandling Lane through traffic is via Boxley Road, B2012 Lower Boxley Road, B2012 Staceys Street, A229 Royal Engineers Road, A228 Running Horse Roundabout, Sandling Lane and vice versa.

The alternative route for any through traffic is via Boxley Road, The Street, Pilgrims Way, Lidsing Road, Westfield Sole Road, Walderslade Woods, A229 J3 Interchange, A229, Taddington Wood Roundabout, A229 Bluebell Hill Slip Link Bridge, A229 Lord Lees Roundabout, A229 Bluebell Hill Slip Road, A229 Blue Bell Hill, A229 Chatham Road, A229 Cobtree Roundabout, A229 Running Horse Roundabout, Sandling Lane, and vice versa.

Pedestrian access will be maintained during the works.

The closures are required for the safety of the public and workforce to allow gas main replacement works to be carried out, works are undertaken by SGN.

For the most up to date information on these works please visit: https://one.network/?tm=141183521

For information regarding this closure please contact SGN 0800 912 1700, who will be able to assist with the scope of these works.

The Kent County Council Highways Helpline phone number is: 03000 418181


Imagery © 2025 MapTiler | Imagery © 2025 Hexagon | © MapTiler © OpenStreetMap contributors

This bulletin contains public information and can be forwarded to any other road users who may be affected. Every care is taken to ensure the accuracy of the information, but no liability can be accepted for any changes or errors.
Road names are taken from the National Street Gazetteer, which can be viewed on one.network, with alternative names given where known.

For details of roadworks, please see One.Network



February 2025



February 2025



February 2025

My Community Voice Kent Logo

The Police

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Courier Frauds in Tunbridge Wells

We have received more reports of criminals telephoning and impersonating Police, in particular those in Tunbridge Wells .

The criminals are employing various methods from posing as Police Officers from multiple Kent Police Stations stating that they have arrested someone in possession of the victim’s bank card to requesting financial information or asking victims to withdraw cash for a courier to collect as evidence.

If you get any calls like this, STOP, it is a scam.

The Police will NEVER ask you for financial details on the phone or request to collect your card or cash or gold as part of an investigation.

Remember the ABC of Scam Awareness and Never Assume or Believe a call is genuine and always Confirm.

If you get an expected call from someone claiming to be Police or any other organisation, then take their details and end the call. Then call back using a different phone if available. If another phone is not available, then wait 5 minutes and ring a family member or friend to ensure the line has been disconnected and then ring 101. Never call a number they have supplied and never ring 999 whilst still on the call with them. You must always disconnect the call first before ringing 101.

If you think that you may have been a victim of this or any other type of scam, then contact your Bank immediately, which you can do by calling 159 and report it to Action Fraud at www.actionfraud.police.uk or call 0300 123 2040.

You will also find valuable information from the Home Office at Stop! Stop! Think Fraud - How to stay safe from scams.

SENT ON BEHALF OF KENT COUNTY COUNCIL:- Temporary Road Closure - Pilgrims Way, Boxley - 10th March 2025 (Maidstone District)


February 2025

Kent County Council - Temporary Road Closure -Pilgrims Way,Boxley -10th March 2025 (Maidstone District)

Due to works planned to be undertaken by Kent County Council, it will be necessary to close part of Pilgrims Way, Boxley, from 10th March 2025 with estimated completion by 10th March 2025.

Pilgrims Way, Boxley, will be closed between the Saw Mills and the junction of Harp Farm Road. To the extent indicated by signs and barriers on site.

The alternative route for any through traffic is via The Street, Boxley Road, Sandy Lane, B2012 Lower Boxley Road, B2012 Staceys Street, A229 Royal Engineers Road, A229 Chatham Road, A229 Blue Bell Hill, Bluebell Hill Slip Road, A229 Lord Lees Roundabout, A229 Bluebell Hill Slip Link Bridge, A229 Taddington Wood Roundabout, A229 J3 Interchange A2045 Link, Walderslade Woods, Westfield Sole Road, Lidsing Road and vice versa.

Pedestrian access will be maintained during the works.

The closure is required for the safety of the public and workforce to allow new signage to be installed, works are undertaken by Kent County Council.

For the most up to date information on these works please visit: https://one.network/?tm=141381803

For information regarding this closure please contact Kent County Council, who will be able to assist with the scope of these works.

The Kent County Council Highways Helpline phone number is: 03000 418181


Imagery © 2025 MapTiler | Imagery © 2025 Hexagon | © MapTiler © OpenStreetMap contributors



February 2025



February 2025



February 2025

Kent County Council - Temporary Road Closure & Temporary Speed Reduction - Various Roads, Maidstone -10th February 2025 (Maidstone District)

Due to works planned to be undertaken by Kent County Council, it will be necessary to restrict Various Roads, Maidstone, from 10th February 2025 with estimated completion by 10th August 2026.

Various Roads in Maidstone will be restricted as per the below schedule:




Walderslade Woods to Boxley Road (North junction)

Alternative route via Boxley Road, Walderslade village by-pass, Robin Hood Lane, Walderslade Woods and Boxley Road and vice versa.



February 2025



February 2025

My Community Voice Kent Logo

The Police

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Ford Fiesta Thefts - Crime Prevention Advice

Residents are advised to take extra precautions to try and prevent the theft of their motor vehicles. Following several reports of FORD FIESTA vehicles being stolen over the last few evenings, your local Beat Team officers would like to take the opportunity to remind residents how they can help make their vehicles less of a target to opportunistic and organised criminals.

Recent offending has focussed on the areas of Gleaming Wood Drive and Timbertops, however residents from further afield are also advised to take measures to prevent incidents occurring.

If any residents have information that may assist investigators including CCTV, video doorbell footage, or information on suspected offenders, please contact Kent Police using the online reporting system here: Report | Kent Police, using the Live Chat service through the blue link on the Kent Police website, or via the 101 non-emergency number.

Preventing car and vehicle theft

Don't let thieves get an easy ride. Follow these simple rules to protect your vehicle from thieves.

1. Lock your vehicle

Locking your vehicle, even when filling up or parked on your drive, greatly reduces the possibility of it being targeted by an opportunist thief. Even if you have locked your vehicle, check you haven’t left any windows or the sunroof open.

It is actually illegal to leave your vehicle running unattended while you de-ice it or warm it up in cold weather. If someone takes it while it’s left like this, your insurer won’t pay out because you won’t be covered.

If your vehicle has wing mirrors that fold in automatically when locked, make sure you lock it properly. Criminal gangs are looking for vehicles like these where the wing mirrors are still out because it is clear to them that the vehicle has been left unlocked.

2. Keep the keys safe

Vehicles today are by and large more difficult to steal than ever, unless the thief can access your key or fob to clone them. Keep your keys safe, out of view when at home, and away from your front door. It’s not uncommon for car keys to be stolen from inside your home by thieves fishing for them with a stick and hook through the letterbox.

If you're selling your car and you meet up with a potential buyer, do not allow the keys out of your sight. Your keys may be cloned by thieves and used later to steal your vehicle.

Keyless entry:

Cars with keyless entry unlock automatically when the key comes within a short distance of the car. This can be from inside a pocket or bag. If you have to push a button on your car key to open your car, you don't have keyless entry.

Keyless car theft or 'relay theft' is when a device is used to fool the car into thinking the key is close by. This unlocks the car and starts the ignition.

Thieves only need to be within a few metres of your car key to capture the signal, even if it’s inside your home. This means that even if your car and home are secure, thieves can still unlock, start and steal your car.

How to protect your keyless entry car:

- When at home keep your car key (and the spare) well away from the car.

- Put the keys in a screened or signal-blocking pouch, such as a Faraday Bag and check if the bag or pouch is still working every few months.

- Reprogramme your keys if you buy a second hand car.

- Turn off wireless signals on your fob when it's not being used.

Additional physical security such as locks and immobilisers are still highly recommended. Section six on this page has more information about this.

3. Be aware of carjackers

The fact that you’re in the car isn’t always a deterrent to someone trying to steal it.

In traffic, drive with the doors locked and when queuing leave enough space in front of your vehicle to enable you to get out of a tight spot. If your vehicle is bumped from behind, wait to pull over – somewhere safe and preferably where there are people. After all, you don’t know the person who has collided with you; they could well be hijackers. If you’re at all suspicious, consider calling the police.

If someone threatens you, it’s better to hand over the keys to the vehicle than become a victim of assault. Then call 999 as soon as possible, and ask for the police.

If your car is stolen, some modern vehicle alarm and tracker systems have the facility to isolate or shut down fuel systems, bringing the vehicle to a halt and leaving the thief high and dry.

4. Park responsibly

It’s always advisable to avoid parking in dark and secluded areas. It’s worth an extra five or ten-minute walk if it means your vehicle is left in a well-lit and busier street.

And if possible, always try to park in illuminated and staffed car parks or those with a Park Mark safer parking award. To find one, simply check out Park Mark.

5. Watch for illegal tow trucks

Thieves often attempt to lift vehicles from the street, literally. So, if you see a towaway crew acting suspiciously – especially if their vehicle isn’t branded or if they’re not in uniform – then please report it immediately.

As with every report of suspicious behaviour made in good faith, we’ll never blame anyone for calling us if it proves unfounded.

Car parks with height-restricted entrances help prevent illegal tow trucks and removal vehicles. And fitting a Thatcham rated category 1 or 2 alarm system with tracking, immobilisation, anti-grab and movement sensors can help protect and trace your vehicle.

6. Fit good in-car security locks

Additional physical security can help to prevent your vehicle being driven away even if a thief gains entry. There are a range of security rated products tested by Sold Secure that can help, such as steering wheel locks, pedal boxes and gear stick locks.

Some of these products, tested to Sold Secure Diamond, can even resist a small hand-held angle grinder.

It's also worth speaking to your vehicle dealership about installing an aftermarket immobiliser approved by the manufacturer.

Immobilisers prevent a vehicle from starting unless the correct fob, key or activation process is used. They can be personalised so that you're the only one who knows how to unset it via a number of dashboard controls.

7. Double-check electronic locking

Electronic devices can be used to jam the electronic signal from your key fob to lock your vehicle. Always manually check your vehicle has locked before walking away.

If unsure, lock it manually, then scan the immediate area for anyone hanging around. If a potential thief who’s watching feels they’ve been spotted, they’ll probably move off.

8. Before owning, check for cloning

Changing the identity of a vehicle, known as vehicle cloning, can be as simple as adding stolen number plates. When buying a vehicle, always check the DVLA V5 document and make sure the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) on the vehicle is the same as on the document.

Make sure you check more than one of the VINs as well as the engine numbers on the vehicle (see diagram).

Check a used vehicle you’re buying.

9. Secure your port

Many modern vehicles are fitted with engine management diagnostic ports, which can unlock and start your vehicle.

If your vehicle has this type of port, consider fitting a lockable cover.

Useful links

For more information about police preferred specification products that help to reduce the chances of vehicle crime please visit:

Secured by Design (SBD)

Sold Secure

Thatcham Research



January 2025



January 2025



January 2025



January 2025



January 2025

Sent on behalf of My Community Voice/Kent Police - Foreign Tobacco Seizure


January 2025

Maidstone Town Centre Team have been making arrests and seizures in relation to foreign cigarettes being sold in stores.

Over the past two weeks we have seized approximately £20,000 worth of cigarettes. We collect the evidence, conduct relevant searches and make the arrests. This is then provided to HMRC to investigate.

If you are aware of any shops that are selling foreign tobacco please contact Kent Police. Or if your business is suffering because of the sale of this tobacco, again please contact Kent Police.



January 2025



January 2025



January 2025

Gas Network Upgrade - Weavering Street and Fauchons Lane, Bearsted


January 2025



January 2025

SGN - Temporary Road Closure - Weavering Street, Weavering - 2nd January 2025 (Maidstone District)

Due to works planned to be undertaken by SGN, it will be necessary to close part of Weavering Street, Weavering, from 2nd January 2025 with estimated completion by 31st March 2025.

Weavering Street, Weavering, will be closed between the junctions of Grove Green Lane and Grovewood Drive North. To the extent indicated by signs and barriers on site.

The alternative route for any through traffic is via Weavering Street, Grovewood Drive South, Provender Way, Grovewood Drive North and vice versa.

Pedestrian access will be maintained during the works.

The closure is required for the safety of the public and workforce to allow gas main replacement works to be carried out, works are undertaken by SGN.

For the most up to date information on these works please visit: https://one.network/?tm=140137708

For information regarding this closure please contact SGN on 0800 912 1700, who will be able to assist with the scope of these works.

The Kent County Council Highways Helpline phone number is: 03000 418181



December 2024

I am excited to introduce you to the new Maidstone Journey Planner, an innovative Active Travel map designed to support our community in making sustainable travel choices. This tool is part of our ongoing commitment to promoting healthy, environmentally friendly transportation options within Maidstone.

The Maidstone Journey Planner aims to assist residents and visitors in walking, cycling, wheeling, and utilising other sustainable travel methods. The map highlights key routes, safe pathways, and essential amenities, making it easier for everyone to navigate our beautiful town sustainably.

Key Features of the Maidstone Journey Planner:

  • Comprehensive Route Mapping: Detailed paths for walking, cycling, and wheeling.
  • Public Transport:Information regarding local buses and trains.
  • Sustainability Focus: Encourages eco-friendly travel options, reducing our carbon footprint.
  • Community Engagement: Promotes active lifestyles and connects users with local amenities and points of interest.

We believe that the Maidstone Journey Planner will be a valuable resource for our community, encouraging more sustainable travel habits and contributing to the overall well-being of our residents.

We invite you to explore the Maidstone Journey Planner and share it with your colleagues and community members. Together, we can make a significant impact on our environment and quality of life in Maidstone. The link is below, I also have physical copies, if you would like some delivered, please let me know.

Maidstone Journey Planner, Walking, Wheeling & Cycling Travel Map - Explore Kent

Thank you for your support and partnership in promoting sustainable travel in Maidstone.


Rethink your journey at kentconnected.org



December 2024

My community voice kent logo

The police

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Seasonal Burglary Safeguarding Advice

Kent Against Burglary

We have previously seen an increase in burglaries over the autumn and winter months when it gets dark early and we fill our homes with gifts in readiness for Christmas.

However, there are quick steps we can take to help keep our homes, vehicles and valuables as secure as possible, limiting the opportunity for thieves.

Do you secure your home and garden?

Burglars are often opportunists who will target an open window, an unlocked door or valuables on display if they think they can get away with it.

Did you know?

Many burglaries happen on weekdays, in daylight, when you are more likely to be out. As well as locking doors and windows using the keys each time you leave you can also:

1) Keep keys, cash and expensive items away from doors and windows, out of view

2) Use timer switches on lights and radios to make your home look occupied

3) Repair broken or faulty windows or doors

4) Keep gates locked and boundaries secure

5) Lock away bikes, tools and garden items which could be stolen or used to break into your home

Do you protect important items?

Some items you own may be very expensive, unusual, antique or have sentimental value, and therefore would be extremely hard to replace if lost or stolen.

It's a good idea to:

1) Security-mark items including bikes, mobiles and laptops

2) Keep receipts, serial numbers safe and phone IMEI numbers safe

3) Photograph and insure expensive or unique items

4) Install a safe, bolted to the ground or a wall, or use a safety deposit box at the bank

5) Register important items for free on the national Immobilise database – this can help us return them to you if they are stolen and then recovered

Do you lock and alarm your vehicle?

Some burglars may break in to your property looking for the keys to your vehicle.

Always store keys away from doors and windows and take them with you when you go to bed. It's a good idea to store electronic car keys in a signal blocking pouch so they can’t be scanned by thieves.

As well as locking and alarming your vehicle, you should also:

1) Remove items left inside - including jackets and loose change

2) Secure items in your boot, out of view, if you need to leave your vehicle while you’re out - but try not to leave anything inside your vehicle overnight

3) Park in a garage, a secure car park or well-lit location whenever possible

4) wipe away sat nav suction marks left on your windscreen - this could be all it takes to entice a thief to break in, hoping the sat nav is still inside

Remember: If you’re clearing ice from your windscreen and need to go back into the house, remove the keys from the ignition and lock your car. Don’t be tempted to leave it running.



December 2024



December 2024

KCC Road Closure - Pilgrims Way and Lidsing Road, Boxley


December 2024



December 2024



December 2024



December 2024

Christmas Waste Collections

During the festive period, your waste collection days will change slightly.

There will be collection changes to domestic, recycling, food and garden wastebetween Wednesday 25 December 2024 and Monday 13 January 2025.

Normal collection date

Rescheduled date

Wednesday 25 December

Friday 27 December

Thursday 26 December

Saturday 28 December

Friday 27 December

Monday 30 December

Monday 30 December

Tuesday 31 December

Tuesday 31 December

Thursday 2 January 2025

Wednesday 1 January 2025

Friday 3 January 2025

Thursday 2 January 2025

Saturday 4 January 2025

Friday 3 January 2025

Monday 6 January 2025

For the weekbeginning Monday 6 January 2025, all collections are delayed by one day. For example,Monday 6 January 2025 will be collectedTuesday 7 January, and so on, during the week. Friday collections will also be one day late and collected on Saturday.



December 2024

My Community Voice Kent Logo

The Police

Message Type Icon

Nuisance Vehicles and Shoplifting

Maidstone Town Team have seized two vehicles in the town centre today. Both vehicles have been using the High Street and contraveninng clear signs.

We know that people driving through the High Street causes a nuisance and we have spent a few hours turning vehicles around and providing words of advice. This has lead to two seizures.

We also arrested two more for shoplifting yesterday resulting in three charges and court bail conditions banning them from stores in Maidstone.

And an arrest was made in relation to a male selling iPhone's leading to a third car seizure and searches in London.

We also received intelligence from partners in relation to drug use, and we located the person. Searched them seized cannabis and seized a potential weapon from him.

Removing weapons, drugs and nuisance vehicles keeps the town and users of the town safe.



December 2024

My Community Voice Kent Logo

The Police

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Christmas Shopping!

This weekend Maidstone Town Centre Team have been lucky enough to have 10 special constables join us for patrols in the town centre.

The day is just beginning but yesterday we arrested two suspects for shoplifting, completed positive stop searches and moved on those causing issues.

When using the town centre please keep an eye on your phone and personal possessions. And if you are a victim of pickpocketing please call 999 or report to staff in the store immediately.

Looking forward to seeing you all in the town centre!



December 2024



December 2024

My Community Voice Kent Logo

The Police

Message Type Icon

Festive Period- Maidstone Town Centre

Maidstone Town Centre officers are looking forward to seeing you all in the Town Centre for your Christmas Shopping!

You should notice an influx of police officers in the town centre for the festive period. Yesterday we spent 8 hours in the town centre, completed 4 stop searches, seized drugs and seized our 100th e-scooter. We also attended calls for shoplifters, returning goods to the stores and completed foot patrols engaging with members of public.

If you see us please stop and say hello, and let us know any issues you are facing or any ideas you have for making the town a safer space!



December 2024



November 2024



November 2024

KCC Road Maintenance - 28 November 2024


November 2024

KCC Road Closure - Canning Street, Maidstone - 23 November 2024 - Up to 5 Working Days


November 2024

KCC Road Closure - Weavering Street, Weavering - 22 November 2024


November 2024

My Community Voice - 19 November 2024


November 2024

My Community Voice Kent Logo

The Police

Message Type Icon


As part of Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) Week town team officers in Maidstone completed joint patrols with OneMaidstone town ambassadors.

We engaged with members of the public and businesses in relation to ASB. We are aware that one issue in the town centre is e-scooters. And today we seized our 88th e-scooter which will be crushed.

We also completed a joint patrol with the council and Kent Fire and Rescue in relation to youths climbing on roofs in the town centre. We used a drone to review roof access and will continue to work towards securing access points and making our town a safer space for everyone.

A car park that has been used to commit anti-social behaviour in town has been cleared after the owners were issued a community protection warning and steps are being taken to secure the car park too.

We know that these are just a few of the issues that effect the town centre, and we are working on long term projects to try to tackle ASB. #MakingCommunitiesSafer



November 2024

My Community Voice Kent Logo

The Police

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Kent Fire & Rescue Service

If you can spare ten minutes of your time today, Kent Fire and Rescue Service would really appreciate your views on proposals around how they measure response times (no change to how quickly we reach you in an emergency) and what level of council tax you’d be happy to pay for their services.

You can find out more and take part in the consultation before 18 January, here: https://www.kent.fire-uk.org/creating-safer-future-together-public-consultation-2024

My Community Voice - 18 November 2024


November 2024

My Community Voice Kent Logo

The Police

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Nuisance Off-Road Vehicles - Pilgrims' Way, North Downs

Following several reports of nuisance off-road vehicles, particularly dirt bikes and quad bikes, using byways across the North Downs including the Pilgrims' Way, mobile patrols have been undertaken to engage with anyone found misusing the byway and deter further activities.

Please continue to report any instances of suspected misuse of byways, as enforcement action will be undertaken where appropriate. If a vehicle registration is present on the vehicle, please ensure this is provided. Should there be no vehicle registration, a description of the vehicle is beneficial.

Neighbourhood alert

Cyber essentials

Kent Fraud Alert - 12 November 2024


November 2024

Knife Crime


November 2024

Knife Crime

Maidstone Neighbourhood Task Force have attended retail premises today in relation to knife crimeOfficers have engaged with numerous shops and members of staff to educate on the selling of knives#StopKnifeCrime

Boxley Parish Remembrance - 11 November 2024


November 2024

KCC Road Closure - Bell Lane, Boxley - 11 November 2024


November 2024

Boxley Church Remembrance Service - Sunday 10 November @ 9 am


November 2024

Maidstone Borough Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Development Plan Document - Preferred Approaches (Regulation 18b) Consultation


November 2024

Maidstone Borough Gypsy, Traveller and Traveling Showpeople Development Plan Document – Preferred Approaches (Regulation 18b) Consultation

Maidstone Borough Council has published the Regulation 18b version of its Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Development Plan Document, which sets out the preferred policy approaches to meeting accommodation needs and the reasonable alternatives being considered. In some instances, the preferred policies are more fully formed whilst in others the policies are more indicative in nature. There are no sites identified or allocated at this stage, as we are seeking views on the spatial strategy approach before committing to identifying sites.

How to view the documents: During the consultation period the Regulation 18b Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople DPD, the accompanying Sustainability Appraisal Report, Consultation Response Forms and all supporting materials will be available on the Council’s webpage at:https://localplan.maidstone.gov.uk/home/gypsy-traveller-development-plan-document

The DPD consultation document and Sustainability Appraisal Report are also available for public inspection at all libraries in Maidstone Borough during normal opening hours.

There is a six-week period during which time comments may be submitted. Only representations received within this period, which runs from 9.30am on 31st October to 5.00pm on 12th December 2024,may be considered. Where possible, please respond online:


Alternatively, please complete and submit a Consultation Response Form (available to download/print from the Council’s webpage or request a paper copy by contacting the Council):

By email:ldf@maidstone.gov.uk or

By post: Strategic Planning Team, Maidstone Borough Council, Maidstone House, King Street, Maidstone, Kent, ME15 6JQ.

By phone: 01622 602000

The outcomes of this consultation will help inform the next stage of the Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople DPD.

Kent Fraud Alert - 5 November 2024


November 2024

KCC Road Closure - Boarley Lane, Sandling


November 2024

Community Alert - 4 November 2024


November 2024


Section 34

A section 34 dispersal order has been put in place in Shepway and Parkwood so that officers can deal with individuals aged over 10 that are engaging in any anti social behaviour, crime or disorder during the Halloween period.  If an emergency contact Kent Police on 999 or 101 for non emergencies.

Free Pumpkin Carving


October 2024

Maidstone's Eco Hub


October 2024

Charity Football Match - Bearsted FC Vs Kent Police - Friday 18 October 2024


October 2024

Maidstone Town Centre Problem Solving - 17/10/24


October 2024

My Community Voice Kent Logo

The Police

Message Type Icon

Maidstone Town Centre Problem Solving

Did you know that we meet bi-weekly with our partners to discuss problem persons, locations and community issues that arise in and around Maidstone Town Centre. As part of these meetings we utilise the knowledge and powers that each organisation has to establish solutions through a joint working approach. Today we were joined by Maidstone Borough Council, One Maidstone Ambassadors, South Eastern Trains, Probation, Youth Services and local business representatives. We continued to discuss Safer Business Action Week as well as a number of small projects which are in the pipeline to continue making Maidstone a welcoming place for you all to visit. Stay tuned for an update on these in the coming weeks!

Is there anything that we are missing or you want to see tackled? Please let us know.

Crime and Community Survey 2024


October 2024

2024 Crime and Community Survey

Today sees the launch of our annual survey looking at your experience of crime and your connection to your local community. The data from the survey goes into a report which we publish on the website, and use to help prioritise our work.

This year we're working with academic staff at the University of Northumbria who have provided some optional questions at the end of the survey related to health. This is linked to their studies on fear of crime and health outcomes.

The survey takes about ten minutes to complete, and if you can spare the time, we really hope that you will make your views known to us - it really is appreciated!

Take the survey now:https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/XS85JK5

Maidstone Borough Council's Resident Survey 2024


October 2024

Consultations banner

Have your say on the future of Maidstone

Take part in our Resident Survey 2024

Understanding what our residents need is key to the way in which we deliver our services and plan for the future.

It has been two years since our last Resident Survey, and we know that for some the effect of the rising cost-of-living continues to impact their quality of life. It is important to us that our residents are at the heart of all the decisions we take, and it is essential that we engage with all those we represent to understand the key issues and challenges that are being faced.

This is an opportunity for you to tell us about your experiences as a resident of Maidstone. From housing to health and well-being, waste and recycling to leisure, your viewpoint is extremely valuable and will help inform the new Strategic Plan Priorities and the decisions we make as a Council.

Every resident who completes the survey can enter into a prize draw to be in with a chance of winning a variety of prizes including:

  • Family tickets to cheer on Maidstone United FC
  • A spellbinding show at the Hazlitt Theatre Pantomime
  • A fun day out for all the family at Kent Life
  • Bowling like a movie star at Hollywood Bowl

Everyone who enters the prize draw is also eligible for a 7-day gym pass at Maidstone Leisure Centre. Please ensure that tick the relevant box at the end of the survey and provide your contact details to participate.

You can also tell us what you think by answering our big questions by visiting the Resident Survey project page.

  • I love where I live because…
  • My biggest worry at the moment is...
  • My hope for my local area in the next five years is...

And you can use our map tool to tell us what you would change in the borough, and where.

To find out more visit the Resident Survey 2024 project page for more information.

Consultation Closes:20 October 2024

Click here to start the survey

Maidstone Town Hall - with flowers in foreground

The PCC Launches a Consultation on the new Police and Crime Plan


October 2024

My Community Voice Kent Logo

The Police

Message Type Icon

The PCC launches a consultation on the new Police and Crime Plan - have your say!

The Police and Crime Commissioner is currently writing the new Police and Crime Plan, which sets the priorities Kent Police should follow. Matthew Scott wants to cut crime, to support victims and to build trust, but he wants to know what YOU witness and experience in your area. Do you feel safe? Do you trust the police? Please, have your say via our short, anonymous survey.

The survey is anonymous and will only take you a few minutes. We'd be very grateful if you could fill it in:


Macmillan Coffee Morning - Update


October 2024

Following on from our Macmillan Coffee Morning we have raised a total of £105.62, we would like to thank all those who attended, baked cakes and supported this worthy cause.

Vehicle Thefts and Prevention


October 2024

My Community Voice Kent Logo

The Police

Message Type Icon

Vehicle Thefts and Prevention - KIA brand

Residents are advised to take extra precautions to try and prevent the theft of their motor vehicles. Following several reports of KIA electric vehicles being stolen, your local Beat Team officers would like to take the opportunity to remind residents how they can make their vehicles less of a target to opportunistic and organised criminals.

Steps you can take to help protect your vehicle include:

- Ensuring that your vehicles are locked and secured after each use.

- If in possession of CCTV/ring doorbell, ensuring that these are in working order and recording.

- Making sure that keys are not left by doors or open windows (Thieves are known to be able to ‘hook’ keys through the letterboxes and open windows using nets / coat hangers etc)

- Ensuring homes are secured with doors and windows locked at night.

- Making sure that key fobs are kept in RFID Faraday pouches. These pouches disrupt the signal from your key fobs and so cannot be mimicked to unlock keyless entry/start vehicles.

Residents are being asked to remain vigilant and that any suspicious activity or behaviour is to be reported by telephoning 999 (if the crime is being committed) or by telephoning 101 or using the live chat and/or the online reporting tool both of which can be found on the Kent Police website.

Further advice on vehicle theft prevention can be found at https://www.kent.police.uk/cp/crime-prevention/keeping-vehicles-safe/preventing-car-vehicle-theft/

Additional advice on general crime prevention can be found at http://www.kent.police.uk/cp/crime-prevention/

Recent Scams Targeting Kent Residents


September 2024

Latest Parking Fine Scam


September 2024

Below is the latest scam parking fine text message. It is very similar to the one that I have been alerting recently but is basically a follow up message reminding you to pay the fine or you will be banned from driving and taken to Court. This is a SCAM. Please do not click on the link within the text message as this will take you to a realistic website under the control of the criminals, where they will steal your personal and financial data.

You can report Scam text messages by forwarding to 7726.

If you are not sure if a text message is genuine, then always apply our Scam Awareness message ABC, which is never Assume or Believe a message is genuine but always Confirm. In other words, contact the sender by using a trusted phone number.

If you think that you may have been a victim of this or any other type of scam, then contact your Bank immediately, which you can do by calling 159 and report it to Action Fraud at www.actionfraud.police.uk or call 0300 123 2040.

For further information about Fraud, visit our website at Advice about fraud | Kent Police

Macmillan Coffee Morning - Friday 27 September 2024 10am - 2 pm - Beechen Hall, Wildfell Close, Walderslade, ME5 9RU


September 2024



September 2024

KCC Road Closure - Boarley Lane, Sandling


September 2024

Kent Fraud Alert - 17 September 2024


September 2024

Community Alert - Helping Your Community in Emergencies


September 2024

My Community Voice Kent Logo

The Police

Message Type Icon

Help Your community to be better prepared for emergencies

Residents urged to share simple ‘5-step’ messages with friends and loved ones

Are you prepared? This is the question we are encouraging residents to share with their communities to kick start a new preparedness campaign coinciding with National Preparedness Month this September.

Kent and Medway Resilience Forum (KMRF) has produced a 5-step guide with simple actions that residents can take to be better prepared for emergencies that may impact them, such as severe weather, flooding or a utility outage.

Many local parish and town councils are creating community resilience plans to help support a voluntary community response to the local impacts of emergencies.

The new campaign, supported by the Kent Association of local Councils (KALC) is designed to help get the message out to residents about the ways that they can help themselves become more self-resilient too.

KMRF Community Resilience Group Chair, Leanne McMahon, said: “There are simple steps that everyone can take to be better prepared, from signing up to receive weather warnings and flood alerts, to checking whether you, a loved-one, or neighbour are eligible to receive priority services from your utility company in the event of a supply outage.

“Proactive measures, like checking your home’s flood risk, packing a grab bag should you need to leave home at short notice, and developing an emergency plan, can increase your family’s safety and resilience should the unexpected happen.”

“We all have a role in helping to build more resilient, better prepared communities, so we urge residents and community groups to get involved.”

Please do your bit to help spread the word

The 5-steps guide has been created to share with local residents. You can do this is any of the following ways:

· Download and print the 5-steps poster to display on your notice boards around your community from www.kentprepared.org.uk/5-steps

· Include the 5-steps guide in your resident newsletter

· Share the link to Kent Prepared 5-steps campaign web page with friends and family.

· Organise a leaflet drop in your area with the 5-steps flyer

· Share on your community’s social media channels, including any Facebook, Next door or WhatsApp groups. Share on the links below.

Residents can learn more about each step by scanning the QR codes on the campaign posters or by visiting the web page www.kentprepared.org.uk/5-steps. Find out more information on the campaign visit www.kentprepared.org.uk/5-steps

Learn more about writing a parish community resilience plan:


Please click on the attachment.


202408-029 KMRF 5 things KALC poster MR ZK FINAL Web version.pdf

Kent Fraud Alert - 16 September 2024


September 2024

Neighbourhood Survey Results 2024


September 2024

Message Type Icon

Thank you for your help last year. Your results for Kent are attached

Dear Michael,

I am the Product Director for Neighbourhood Alert which is the secure messaging facility used to power the My Community Voice Kent system. I wanted to take a moment to thank you for completing last year’s national surveyabout your local police and their use of the Neighbourhood Alert system.

As a valued participant, we are sharing the results with you before they are publicised more widely. Several of last year’s survey questions highlighted important perceptions about local policing, the quality and frequency of information and the usefulness of current messages.

Your participation was part of the largest secure email survey in the UK, with over 108,000 people responding. We are incredibly grateful for your contribution last year, the time you spent providing your feedback genuinely influenced improvements to the system,the way it is used by police and the ways it could potentially be used to improve your access to information and even speed up communication when you need to contact the police.

The results of the survey have been carefully analysed and presented individually to most police force and national policing leads and at our UK policing conference (click the image below to see a video review of last years conference where the initial results were revealed).

These insights have influenced how messaging is delivered and highlight the importance of direct messages to, what will soon be 1.5 million registered members across the UK. For instance, the survey confirmed that 63% of Neighbourhood Alert members do not follow their local police on social media, and 91% of members trust Neighbourhood Alert messagescompared to levels between 5% and 31% for social media channels.

Many police forces have already adjusted their approaches based on these findings, and many are reviewing their results to see how changes they are making have impacted public trust and perceptions. Members like you who contributed to this survey across the UK, have helped forces compare results and establish best practice.

Attached, you will find an overview showing the results for your local police force, (with national averages in brackets for comparison). I appreciate that this contains lots of data and some members may have questions, so we are hosting a Webinar on Tuesday 17th September at 12pm to run through the various stats and answer any questions that you may have. Please click here if you would like to attend this free event.

Once again, thank you for your participation last year — you have made a real difference to how policing engagement and communication will be shaped in the future.

One final note: the 2024 survey will be sent out soon, and your input will be vital to continuing these improvements.

Best regards,

Mike Douglas
Product Director

VISAV Limited

A UK Registered, British company, all vetted staff, Government level security audited systems and dedicated to supporting UK police and citizens.


Kent 2023 OK.pdf

Kent Fraud Alert - Scam Parking Fines - 16 September 2024


September 2024

South East Water - Temporary Road Closure - Sandy Lane, Maidstone - 15th September 2024


September 2024

South East Water - Temporary Road Closure -Sandling RoadMaidstone -15th September 2024 (Maidstone District)

Due to works planned to be undertaken by South East Water, it will be necessary to close part of Sandling Road, Maidstone, from 15th September 2024 with estimated completion by 18th September 2024.

Sandling Road, Maidstone, will be closed outside Cantium House. To the extent indicated by signs and barriers on site.

The alternative route for any through traffic is via Sandling Road, Week Street, Station Road, St Faiths Street, A229 Fairmeadow, A229 Royal Engineers Road, B2012 Staceys Street, Sandling Roadand vice versa.

Pedestrian access will be maintained during the works.

The closure is required for the safety of the public and workforce to allow water works to be carried out, works are undertaken by South East Water.

For the most up to date information on these works please visit: https://one.network/?tm=139239841

For information regarding this closure please contact South East Water on 03330 000 001, who will be able to assist with the scope of these works.

The Kent County Council Highways Helpline phone number is: 03000 418181


Imagery © 2024 MapTiler | Imagery © 2024 Hexagon | © MapTiler © OpenStreetMap contributors

This bulletin contains public information and can be forwarded to any other road users who may be affected. Every care is taken to ensure the accuracy of the information, but no liability can be accepted for any changes or errors.
Road names are taken from the National Street Gazetteer, which can be viewed on one.network, with alternative names given where known.

Lower Thames Crossing - Community Events - September and October


September 2024

Kent Advice Hub - September 2024


September 2024

Neighbourhood Watch - Newsletter - September 2024


September 2024

KCC Road Closure - Tyland Lane, Sandling - 6th September 2024


September 2024

KCC Road Closure - Tyland Lane - 27/08/24 for 2 days


August 2024

Kent Fraud Alert - 27th August 2024


August 2024

KCC - Temporary Road Closure - James Street, Maidstone - 27th August 2024


August 2024

MTW Volunteers


August 2024

Kent Youth Voice - Sports Activity Maidstone - 22nd August 2024


August 2024

There are still a few spaces left at the Maidstone free Kent Youth Voice SEND summer activity for young people aged 11-18 with special educational needs and disabilities. Please share this poster with your networks of parents and young people.

The event is taking place on Thursday 22nd August at Shepway Youth and community centre in Maidstone, from 12.30pm – 3.30pm. The young people will have the opportunity to share their experiences about SEND, play sports like football, badmington, basketball, lasertag, or complete an obstacle course! Lunch and drinks will be provided.

Kent Fraud Alert - 19th August 2024


August 2024

Strengthening Community Bonds in Maidstone


August 2024

Strengthening Community Bonds in Maidstone

Last Thursday Divisional Commander C/Supt Neil Loudon and Operational Supt Ree Pepper had the privilege of visiting the local Mosque, in Maidstone.

They engaged in a meaningful discussion with the local Imam, about their shared commitment to keeping the community safe and fostering stronger community cohesion.

It was heartening to receive positive feedback on recent police engagement efforts and the meeting reinforced the importance of mutual respect and collaboration in building a safer and more united community.

As a result of the meeting, further engagement events will be created and delivered.

Temporary Road Closure - High Street, Maidstone - 19th August 2024


August 2024

Dove Hill Allotment - 10 Year Anniversary BBQ Celebration


August 2024


The 10 year allotment BBQ celebration took place on Saturday 17th August 2024 which was a roaring success. A wonderful turn-out from allotment holders, Parish Councillors and the Mayor of Maidstone. Produce competitions were held for the best and biggest produce grown on the allotment.

Maidstone’s Mayor, John Perry, officially opened the BBQ and the newly installed composting toilet.

It is intended to hold an annual BBQ celebration due to it being a great success. If you think you would be interested in becoming an allotment holder please contact assistant-clerk@boxleyparishcouncil.org.uk.

Kent Motorbike Theft


August 2024

Maidstone Neighbourhood Task force team have successfully recovered another stolen motorbike this afternoon in Ringlestone, following some vital help from members of the community.

There are ongoing reports of motorbike thefts in Maidstone, I would urge anybody to be mindful of the safety and security of their vehicles and report any incidents through the appropriate channels on 999, 101 or Kent police online reporting on the Kent police website.

Kent Fraud Alert - 13th August 2024


August 2024

KCC Road Closure - South Park Road, Maidstone - 12th August 2024


August 2024

Motorbike Thefts - 5th August 2024


August 2024

KCC Road Closure - King Street, Maidstone - 3rd August 2024


August 2024

Mote Park Community Event - Friday 2nd August 2024


August 2024

KCC Road Closure - A249 Newham Court Roundabout, Boxley


August 2024

Kent Fraud Alert - 1st August 2024


August 2024

Kent Fraud Alert System - 29th July 2024


July 2024

KCC Road Closure - 29th July 2024 - Monckton's Lane, Maidstone


July 2024

KCC Road Closure - 29th July 2024


July 2024

KCC Urgent Speed Limit Restriction - Lidsing Road, Boxley - 25th July 2024


July 2024

Consultation on 18 New and Improved Walking, Wheeling and Cycling Routes across the Borough


July 2024

Kent Fraud Alert - 23rd July 2024


July 2024



July 2024

The Vinters Valley Open Day held on Sunday 14th July 2024 the Kent Association of Local Council’s community award was presented to Harry Lowder posthumously./ Chairman of Boxley Parish Council, Bob Hinder, presented the award to Harry’s widow, Eileen.

Fraud Alert - 15 July 2024


July 2024


Vinters Valley Nature Reserve


July 2024

Allotment Vacancy


July 2024

The Parish Council are pleased to announce that an allotment vacancy has arisen at our Dove Hill allotments on Sandy Lane, Boxley.

Please do get in touch with the office on 01634 861 237 if you are interested. Our Parish Caretaker will provide you with an application form.  

KCC Road Closure - Pilgrims Way, Boxley - 8th July 2024


July 2024

KCC Road Closure - Sandy Lane - 4th July 2024


July 2024

The July Edition of Our News is Here


July 2024

Take Part in our Community Safety Survey 2024


July 2024

Boxley Church Garden Party - 29th June 2024


June 2024

Boxley Church Garden Party - 29th June 2024


June 2024

Kent County Council Road Closure - Ashburnham Road, Maidstone - 27th June 2024


June 2024

Kent County Council - Yelsted Lane, Boxley - 26th June 2024


June 2024

Kent Trading Standards - 24th June 2024


June 2024

Kent County Council Road Closure - Grange Lane, Boxley - 24th June 2024


June 2024

Kent County Council - Pilgrims Way, Boxley - 20th June 2024


June 2024

Kent Fraud Alert - 19th June 2024


June 2024

Kent Fraud Alert - 17th June 2024


June 2024

Riverside Foot Patrol


June 2024

Courier Fraud Alert - 13/06/24


June 2024

Update on Bearsted Road Project


June 2024

KCC Road Closure - Olivine Close, Walderslade - 11th June 2024


June 2024

Coldharbour Lane - Forthcoming Works


June 2024

Project Update

Over the past month:

  • the traffic lights on the roundabout have been completely removed;
  • a new attenuation tank and associated drainage have been put in;
  • the footpath has been removed;
  • the Eastern widening of Coldharbour Lane has been completed;
  • the High Voltage cable diversion has been completed;
  • road construction continued including kerbs installation and footpath construction.

An overnight closure of Coldharbour Lane has been in place since 28 May and will continue until 15 June. The overnight closures are required to try and minimise disruption during the day. The closures are to allow for many different works to be undertaken, including the installation of deep drainage crossings, site clearance works, the removal of the existing splitter islands and the installation of more kerbs, drainage and edgings. In addition, vegetation clearance has been undertaken.

On Saturday 8 June the concrete barrier on the roundabout will be removed.

Forthcoming Works

During June the following works are planned.

The overnight closure of Coldharbour Lane will continue until 15 June (8pm – 6am) with diversions in place.

On 17 June the first major tarmacking will begin on the ‘offline west’ area, which will eventually form part of the new roundabout. Lighting columns will also be installed.

From 10 June to 28 June (24 hours) a lane will be closed on the western arm of the roundabout as UKPN installs a cable diversion.

On 25th & 26th June the first full roundabout closures will take place overnight (8pm-6am).

A full overnight closure of the roundabout is scheduled between 22 July and 10 August (8pm-6am). Once confirmed the dates and diversions will be displayed via electronic

signage boards on all approaches to the roundabout and will also be on the project websitewww.coldharbourroundabout.co.uk

Regular adjustments to the traffic management also will be made.

Civility and Respect Pledge


June 2024

Kent Fraud Alert - 10 June 2024


June 2024

Meet Your Parish Councillors Coffee Morning at Sandling Village Hall


June 2024

Today is the 80th Anniversary of D-Day - Never Forget


June 2024

Kent Fraud Alert - Community Alert Newsletter


June 2024

Kent Fraud Alert - 4th June 2024


June 2024

UK Power Networks - Temporary Road Closure - Provender Way, Weavering - 28th May 2024


May 2024

KCC Road Closure - Gleamingwood Drive, Boxley


May 2024

Kent Fraud Alerts - 20th May 2024


May 2024



May 2024

Road Maintenance - Impton Lane - 16 May 2024


May 2024

Impton Lane, Walderslade - Resurfacing - 16th May 2024 -


May 2024

Road Maintenance - Travertine Road and Tufa Close, Boxley - 15th May 2024


May 2024

Update on the Bell Lane Illegal Waste Site


May 2024

Update on the Lower Thames Crossing


May 2024

New Turbo Roundabout at the bottom of Bluebell Hill


May 2024

Information for Residents


May 2024

Kent Fraud Alerts - 13th May 2024


May 2024

Road Maintenance - Orache Drive - 8th May 2024


May 2024

KCC - Road Maintenance - Orache Drive, Henbane, Close, Bilberry Close and Rampion Close, Weavering - 8 May 2024


May 2024

Election Results from Boxley Parish Council Election - 2nd May 2024


May 2024

Kent Fraud Alert - 2nd May 2024


May 2024

Dealing with Off Road Bikes


April 2024

Maidstone Borough Council's Local Plan Review - Against Lidsing


April 2024

Community Alert - Counterfeit Currency Warning, Boxley


April 2024

KCC Road Closure - Weavering Street, Weavering - 24th April 2024


April 2024

KCC - Road Maintenance - Carriageway Patching - Impton Lane, Walderslade - 22 April 2024


April 2024

Kent County Council - Temporary Road Closure & Prohibition of Parking - Running Horse Roundabout - 15th April 2024


April 2024

O2 (UK) Limited - Temporary 40MPH Speed Limit - A249 Sittingbourne Road, Maidstone - 8th April 2024 (Maidstone District)


April 2024

Maidstone Borough Local Plan Review 2021-2038 Adoption


April 2024

Reminder - KCC Road Maintenance - 3rd April 2024 - Travertine Road, Boxley


April 2024

UK Power Networks - Temporary Road Closure - Dunn Street, Bredhurst - 2nd April 2024


April 2024

Gas Network Upgrade - Gorse Avenue Area, Walderslade - 29th March 2024


March 2024

Maidstone Borough Council - Waste and Recycling Changes from 25th March 2024


March 2024

Proactive Patrol around Walderslade and Bredhurst


March 2024

KCC Road Closure - Bedford Place, Maidstone - 14th March 2024


March 2024

KCC Road Closure - Prospect Place, Maidstone - 14th March 2024


March 2024

KCC Road Closure - Boxley Road, Walderslade - 13th March 2024


March 2024

Start of Works Notice - 13th March 2024 - Bredhurst


March 2024

KCC Road Closure - Pilgrims Way, Boxley - 13th March 2024


March 2024

KCC Road Closure - Peel Street, Maidstone - 11th March 2024


March 2024

Reporting Motorbikes/Quad Bikes in the Woodland Area


March 2024

Kent Fraud Alert - 5th March 2024


March 2024

KCC Road Closure - 5th March 2024


March 2024

Local Roadworks/Road Closures


March 2024

Kent Police Officers Attending Farmers Market Sunday 3rd March 2024


March 2024

Update - Suspect Arrested - Thefts in Cars


February 2024

Become a Parish Councillor


February 2024

KCC Road Closure - 26th February 2024 (Up to 4 days)


February 2024

Resident Alert - Theft from Vehicles


February 2024

KCC Road Closure - Caring Lane, Bearsted - 26th February 2024


February 2024

KCC Road closure - Worcester Road, Maidstone - 23rd February 2024


February 2024

KCC Road Closure - Plains Avenue, Maidstone - 23rd February 2024


February 2024

KCC Road Closure - Devon Road, Maidstone - 23rd February 2024


February 2024

KCC Road Closure - Hereford Street, Maidstone


February 2024

Kent Fraud Alert - Courier Fraud


February 2024

Temporary Road Closure - Pilgrims Way, Boxley - 9th February 2024


February 2024

KCC Road Closure - Plantation Lane, Boxley - 8th February 2024


February 2024

KCC Road Closure - Westfield Sole Road, Boxley


February 2024

Urgent Road Closure - Plantation Lane, Bearsted - 2nd February 2024


February 2024

KCC Road Closure - A229 Bishops Way, Maidstone - 1st February 2024


February 2024

KCC Road Closure - Brooks Place, Maidstone - 31st January 2024


January 2024

KCC Road Closure - Pett Road, Stockbury - 31st January 2024


January 2024

KCC Road Closure - Hill Green Road, Stockbury - 31st January 2024


January 2024

KCC Road Closure - Kennel Barn Road, Stockbury - 30th January 2024


January 2024

Emergency Road Closure - Leonards Close, Maidstone - 30th January 2024


January 2024

Emergency Road Closure - High Street, Yalding - 29th January 2024 (Maidstone)


January 2024

KCC - Road Closure - Weavering Street, Weavering - Temporary Order - 29th January 2024


January 2024

Road Closure - Upper Street, Leeds - 26th January 2024


January 2024

Emergency Road Closure - Upper Street, Leeds - 26th January 2024 (Maidstone)

It will be necessary to close Upper Street, Leeds from 26th January 2024 for up to 11 days.

The road will be closed 300m from Burgess Cottage.

The alternative route is via Leeds Road, Sutton Road, Willington Street, Ashford Road, Penfold Hill, Lower Street and Upper Street.

This is to enable emergency gas escape works to be carried out by SGN.

A229 Blue Bell Hill Improvement Scheme Consultation


January 2024

KCC Road Closure - Revenge Road, Boxley - 22nd January 2024


January 2024

Road Closure - Lidsing Road, Boxley - 17th January 2024


January 2024

WOODLANDS WORKING GROUP - Area 16-19 Lower Cossington Valley, Woodlands, Walderslade - Tuesday 16th January 2024


January 2024

Road Closure - Yelsted Lane, Boxley - 12th January 2024


January 2024

Urgent Footpath Closure - Cinnabar Close, Walderslade - 10th January 2024


January 2024

Road Closure - Aston Close, Boxley - 5th January 2024


January 2024

Road Closure - Lidsing Road, Boxley - 4th January 2024


January 2024

Road Closure - Lidsing Road, Lidsing- 3rd January 2024


January 2024

Road Closure - Yelsted Lane, Boxley - 2nd January 2024


January 2024

Christmas and New Year Refuse Collection Changes


December 2023

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Bank Holidays will have an impact on waste and recycling collection services for every household across the borough

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Environmental Banner Crew

December 2023

Christmas and New Year refuse
collection changes

Christmas and New Year Bank Holidays will have an impact on waste and recycling collection services for every household across the borough this year.

Garden waste and bulky waste services will be suspended from Monday 25 December to restart on Monday 8 January - so staff can be used to support other front line services.

Other Waste and Recycling collections will change as follows:

Monday 25 December -your collection will be completed early on Saturday 23 December.

For Christmas week, from Tuesday 26 December- collections normally scheduled on Tuesday to Friday, will all be completed one day later than usual.

For New Year week, commencing Monday 1 January - all collections will be completed one day later than usual.

All services return to normal on Monday 8 January.

Bin collections

Waste tonnages can increase by up to 20% over Christmas, greatly increasing the recycling opportunities. Residents are advised to visit www.maidstone.gov.uk/mybin or email recycling@maidstone.gov.uk to check if an item can be recycled and any excess recycling can be placed in a cardboard box or similar open container.

Due to the increase in tonnage all collections will run slightly slower than usual, residents are reminded that bins must be available from 6.00am. Please park cars considerately so that the collection vehicles can gain access into all roads.

We are here to help, any questions about household waste and
recycling services in Maidstone, please contact us at

Handmade Wreaths - Christmas Craft Fair

Top Tips for a More Sustainable Christmas

Christmas is a time of year when the potential for waste, over consumption and mass shopping is high, but small changes can make all the difference in reducing our environmental footprint.

WE can make a difference this year! Here are our top tips:

  • When Christmas comes, we can all be a little more wasteful with our food. Buy only what you need and donate any unopened, non-perishable items to a local food bank. Use your food bins for any food waste that you throw away.
  • Over half of UK adults say they have received gifts they don't want at Christmas. When buying gifts think quality over quantity. Alternatively gift an experience to your loved ones and reduce the demand for physical resources.
  • Avoid glitter,although pretty, glitter is difficult to recycle and may escape into the environment. Avoid buying anything that's decorated with glitter, including wrapping paper and Christmas cards.
  • Reuse wrapping paper wherever possible or make your own using newspaper or magazines. If you are buying new paper, go for a recycled variety.
  • Buy local, whether it is gifts for your loved ones, or this years Christmas dinner, reduce your carbon footprint and buy local. Visit a local craft shop, farm shop or nearby farmer’s market for the best produce in our region.

Visit WWF here to find more top tips for a sustainable Christmas

christmas tree recycling

Christmas Tree Recycling 2024 with
Heart of Kent Hospice

Are you planning on getting a real Christmas tree this year? Once the New Year comes, you’ll need to throw away your tree. The good news is that real trees can be recycled and shredded into chippings, or composted, and Heart of Kent Hospice can help you do that!

Last Christmas the Hospice recycled more than 600 trees and raised over £7,000 for the Hospice. This year the team of volunteers will collect your real spruce, fir or pine trees over three days on Friday 5, Saturday 6 and Sunday 7 January 2024, from your front gate or driveway, meaning you don’t have to venture out in the cold!

There is a suggested donation of £15 per tree, which will go towards offering vital support to people living with a terminal illness, or experiencing bereavement, near you.

The Hospice can collect Christmas trees from the following postcodes: ME14, ME15 6, ME15 7, ME15 8, ME16, ME19, ME20, TN11 9, TN12 5, TN15 7,TN15 8 & TN15 9.

If you would like to find out more, please contact Heart of Kent Hospice community partnerships team on communitypartnerships@hokh.co.uk or call 01622 790195.

Waste tip- are you wasting money on wrapping paper? buy a reusable gift bag for your loved one instead!

Archbishops Palace

Take part in Maidstone’s climate change survey

We are asking residents to take part in Maidstone's climate change survey for their views on the actions and themes in the council’s current Climate Action Plan. In addition to seeking feedback on the themes and actions in the plan we are also interested in the actions you are taking, or are willing to take, to tackle the climate and biodiversity emergencies and the barriers that may prevent you from taking these actions.

Feedback received will help inform the delivery of the MBC Biodiversity and Climate Change action plan and explore ways the council can support and engage with residents.

The survey will take around 8 to 10 minutes to complete and closes on 1 January 2024.

Complete the climate change survey here

Thanks for reading our Environmental Services update. Why not sign up to our other newsletters to find out more about what’s going on across Maidstone Borough.

Climate Change and Biodiversity –everything to do with sustainability

What’s On in Maidstone – for all events

News – to keep up to date

Consultations – share your views

Visit Maidstone – the best places to visit and stay

Business in Maidstone – workshops, events and business support

If you have any tips about recycling and how to minimise waste which others could use please let us know by emailing us at climateandbiodiversity@maidstone.gov.uk

If you have enjoyed reading this update please forward this email onto your friends and family so they can 'Stay Connected' to news from Maidstone Borough Council.

Subscribe Here

Christmas Opening Hours - Beechen Hall


December 2023

Please be aware that the office and Beechen Hall will be closed from Friday 22nd December 2023 and reopening Tuesday 2nd January 2023.  

Should you have an urgent query please email enquiry@boxleyparishcouncil.org.uk.

Road Closure - Roseacre Lane, Bearsted - 18th December 2023


December 2023

Road Closure = Westmorland Road, Maidstone - 18th December 2023


December 2023

Road Closure - Cox Street, Detling - 18th December 2023


December 2023

Road Closure - Scragged Oak Road, Detling - 18th December 2023


December 2023

Road Closure - Tydeman Road - 16th December 2023


December 2023

Christmas Fair at Lower Grange Farm

Lower Grange Farm, Grange Lane, Sandling


December 2023

Road Closure - Brenchley Road, Maidstone - 14th December 2023


December 2023

Road Closure, Pilgrims Way, Boxley - 13th December 2023


December 2023

Road Closure - Woodlands, Boxley - 12th December 2023


December 2023

Urgent Road Closure - Lidsing Road, Lidsing - 29th November 2023


November 2023

Kent County Council - Urgent Road Closure - Lidsing Road, Lidsing - 29th November 2023 (Maidstone)

It will be necessary to close Lidsing Road, Lidsing from 29th November 2023 for up to 1 day.

The road will be closed at the junctions of Westfield Sole and Forge Lane.

The alternative route is via Lidsing Road, Dunn Street Road, The Street, Maidstone Road, Wigmore Road, Sharsted Way, Hempstead Valley Drive, Chapel Lane, Hempstead Road, Lidsing Road and vice versa.

This is to enable carriageway patching to be carried out by Kent County Council.

Enclosed is a copy of the Traffic Notice in confirmation of this.

This bulletin contains public information and can be freely forwarded to any other road users who may be affected. Every care is taken to ensure the accuracy of the information, but no liability can be accepted for any changes or errors.

For details of roadworks, please see One.Network

KCC Highways, Transportation & Waste: keeping you up to date with what’s happening on our roads - for more information visit https://www.kent.gov.uk/roads-and-travel or follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/KentHighways

KCC - Road Closure- Boxley Road, Walderslade - 27th November 2023


November 2023

Urgent Road Closure - Butt Green Lane, Linton


November 2023



November 2023

Remembrance Service to be held at 9 am at St Mary and All Saints Church, Boxley Village on Sunday 12th November 2023 

Urgent Road Closure - Lidsing Road, Boxley - 06/11/2023


November 2023

Urgent Road Closure - Boarly Lane, Sandling - 6th November 2023 (Maidstone)


November 2023



October 2023

Temporary Restrictions - Bredhurst


October 2023

Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, Section 14(1), As Amended By The Road Traffic (Temporary Restrictions) Act 1991

Kent County Council intends to make an Order the effect of which is to temporarily close:

• Public Footpath KH9 between Manor Farm – Dunn Street and Public Bridleway KH97 near Grange Farm.

• Public Bridleway KH97 between Grange Farm and Byway KH94, and

• Byway KH94 between Dunn Street Road at Manor Farm and Hurstwood Road at its junction with KH38

from the 30 October 2023.

The paths will be closed for a maximum of six months, although it is expected that it will reopen by the middle of November 2023.

The paths are to be closed because of danger to the public due to works which are being carried out to repair the surface of the paths.

Resident Community Roadshow - 23/10/23


October 2023

Pumpkin Fest - 26/10/2023


October 2023

Preparations are underway for our festive engagement session for young people and their families on Thursday 26th October 2023 between 1-3pm

Come along to 326 in the Mall Maidstone for some pumpkin carving and engagement with officers from the Community Policing Team and other support services

Road Closure - Running Horse Roundabout

Running Horse Roundabout, Maidstone


October 2023

Job Vacancy


October 2023

Urgent Road Closure - Boxley Road, Boxley 16/10/23


October 2023

Urgent Road Closure - Boxley Road, Boxley - 16th October 2023 (Maidstone)

It will be necessary to close Boxley Road, Boxley from 16th October 2023 for up to 5 days.

The road will be closed in its entirety.

The alternative route is via Sandling Lane, Running Horse Roundabout, A229 Sandling Interchange, Cobtree Roundabout, A229 Chatham Road, A229 Blue Bell Hill, Lord Lees Roundabout, Taddington Roundabout, Walderslade Woods, Westfield Sole Road, Lidsing Road and vice versa.

It is planned that the road will be closed between 20:00 hrs and 05:00 hrs each night.

This is to enable carriageway repairs to be carried out by Kent County Council.

Enclosed is a copy of the Traffic Notice in confirmation of this.

This bulletin contains public information and can be freely forwarded to any other road users who may be affected. Every care is taken to ensure the accuracy of the information, but no liability can be accepted for any changes or errors.

For details of roadworks, please seeOne.Network

KCC Highways, Transportation & Waste: keeping you up to date with what’s happening on our roads - for more information visithttps://www.kent.gov.uk/roads-and-travel or follow us on Twitterhttps://twitter.com/KentHighways

Kind regards,

Streetworks West Central | Highways, Transportation & Waste | Kent County Council | Aylesford Highways Depot, St Michaels Close, Aylesford, Kent, ME20 7BU | Tel: 03000 418181 (24hr Contact Centre) |Email: Streetworkswestcentral@kent.gov.uk

Road Closure - Old Chatham Road, Sandling - 09/10/23


October 2023

Road Closure - Ashford Road, Weavering


October 2023

Road Closure - Yelstead Lane, Boxley


October 2023

Road Closure - Grange Lane, Sandling - 29/09/23


September 2023

Road Closure - Walderslade Woods, Boxley - 18/09


September 2023

Kent Fraud Alert System


September 2023

Litter Pick Up - Walderslade and Lordswood

Walderslade and Lordswood Litter Picking Group


September 2023

Doing their usual sterling job!

Road Closure - Plum Tree Lane, Stockbury


August 2023

Road Closure - Sandy Lane

Sandy Lane, Maidstone


August 2023

Households in Grove Green and Weavering


August 2023

St Johns School Fete


July 2023

Another great Fete held at St Johns School on 1 July 2023.  Boxley Parish Council wish to thank all the residents of Grove Green and Weavering who attended St. Johns School Fete on 1st July 2023. The event was a great success and it was fantastic to speak to so many residents.

Volunteers Week - 1st-7th June


May 2023

Volunteers Week takes place 1st-7th June every year. Please see the attached article.



May 2023

Boxley Village now has a Neighbourhood Watch Scheme, set-up and co-ordinated by Adèle Cooke (adele.cooke@btinternet.com).

It’s easy to join - simply log into https://www.ourwatch.org.uk/

Please see the attached document with instructions to find my local scheme

Join us in making this a better place to live together

Kent Association of Local Community Award Press Release


May 2023

Notice of Poll - Boxley Ward


April 2023

Notice of Pole

Maidstone Borough Councillor

An Election of a Borough Councillor for Boxley Ward Notice is hereby given that: 

A poll for the election of a Borough Councillor for Boxley Ward will be held on Thursday 4 May 2023, between the hours of 7:00 am and 10:00 pm.

Please see the attached document for further information.

Grove Green and Weavering Residents Group Litter Pick


April 2023

Our Chairman spotted local volunteers in Grove Green collecting litter even during a hail storm last week. What amazing community spirit!

If you would like to help please contact Grove Green and Weavering Residents Group on Facebook.

The Electoral Commission - Voter ID: A Summary


March 2023

Dear Residents

On Thursday 4 May 2023, local elections are taking place across 230 councils in England.

At these elections, you will need to bring photo ID to be able to vote at a polling station. A wide range of photo ID will be accepted, including passports, driving licenses and cards with a PASS Mark.

Visit electoralcommission.org.uk/voterID, call 0800 328 0280 or scan the QR code on the attached document to find out more.

Postal voters will be unaffected.

Impton Lane Walderslade


March 2023

Following several complaints from residents regarding the condition of Impton Lane, Boxley Parish Council made a formal complaint and request for resurfacing to Kent County Council. We have received the following reply which I hope answers the questions asked:

Thank you for your enquiry requesting information about the resurfacing of Impton Lane, Walderslade.

I have been in contact with KCC’s Road and Footway Asset Team who have advised that Impton Lane will be attended to in the spring/ summer of 2024.

In the meantime if any safety critical defects appear (50mm or above in depth) please log another call and I will investigate and action where necessary.

Please log any additional faults with Kent Council or alternatively report them to the Boxley Parish Council Office and we will report them for you.

Urgent Road Closure - Yelsted Lane, Boxley - 29th March 2023 (Maidstone)


March 2023

Urgent Road Closure - Yelsted Lane, Boxley - 29th March 2023 (Maidstone)

It will be necessary to close Yelsted Lane, Boxley from 29th March 2023 for up to 1 day.

The road will be closed between the junctions of Boxley Road and Lidsing Road.

The alternative route is via Boxley Road, Walderslade Woods, Westfield Sole Road, Lidsing Road and vice versa.

This is to enable carriageway patching to be carried out by Kent County Council.

Enclosed is a copy of the Traffic Notice in confirmation of this.

This bulletin contains public information and can be freely forwarded to any other road users who may be affected. Every care is taken to ensure the accuracy of the information, but no liability can be accepted for any changes or errors.

For details of roadworks, please seeOne.Network

KCC Highways, Transportation & Waste: keeping you up to date with what’s happening on our roads - for more information visithttps://www.kent.gov.uk/roads-and-travel or follow us on Twitterhttps://twitter.com/KentHighways


Street Works Mid Team

03000 418181 (9am – 5pm)
03000 419191 (5pm – 9am)

Medway Council advise anyone who is not a resident of Medway can no longer use any of its Household Waste sites


March 2023

Dear Residents

Please see below the notification from Medway Council that it will no longer allow anyone who is not a resident of Medway to use any of its Household Waste sites, the one most people from this area use is Shawstead Lane, off of North Dane Way:


The nearest KCC site is

Burial Ground Lane
ME15 6RJ

Also please note that with effect from June KCC will charging for the disposal of non-household waste materials (soil, rubble, hardcore and plasterboard).

King Charles III - Bunting and Signage Offer for Parishioners


March 2023

Thinking of a street party or local event to celebrate King Charles III coronation?

Boxley Parish Council have limited amounts of new bunting and signs for Coronation celebrations on a first come first served basis. If you would like some of the bunting and signs contact the parish office.

Please email: enquiry@boxleyparishcouncil.org.uk

The Maidstone Borough Council Local Plan Review Stage 2 Hearings


March 2023

The main concern for residents of Boxley Parish is the 2,000 house development of a garden settlement at Lidsing which would impact the whole of the parish particularly regarding increases in traffic as the development has no plans for a North/South route from Lidsing to Maidstone and no traffic mitigation measures will be put in place until the first 500 houses are built/occupied.

The plan is now onto Stage 2 Hearings. Main issues from the first stage hearings were the lack of a North South route and the effects on Boxley Village, evidence that a 4th arm to the roundabout at Junction 4 is achievable, effects on the AONB, off-site highway improvements required in Medway, a revised housing trajectory and several other issues that the Inspector is asking for more detailed information on in order for him to rule the Local Plan as sound.

The hearings are being held at Maidstone Town Hall from the 15th May with Lidsing matters being discussed 23-25 May. Members of the public are able to attend the hearings as observers and they are also live streamed.

Boxley Parish residents will be represented at the hearings by the Parish Council Chairman Cllr Chris Sheppard and Borough Councillors Anne Brindle and Bob Hinder.

If you have any views on these proposals or require any further information then please contact the Parish Office. Full details and all documents relating to the hearings can be found on the Maidstone Borough Council website under Local Plan Review.

Medieval Fayre - Saturday 8th April - Brenchley Gardens, Maidstone


March 2023

Dear Residents

Please see the attached information regarding the forthcoming Medieval Fayre being held on Easter Saturday, 8th April, from 11am to 4pm in Brenchley Gardens, Maidstone.

This will be a great event for all the family with lots to see and do.

M20 Moveable Barrier: Project Update


March 2023

M20 Moveable Barrier: project update

As you’re aware, we’re in a process of adapting the central reservation between junctions 8 and 9 to make it suitable for storing the Operation Brock moveable barrier. The barrier is currently stored on the hard shoulder when not in use, but this isn’t suitable as a permanent storage location.

We’re currently working on the London-bound verge, so to protect our workforce and the travelling public, the hard shoulder and the inside lane of the London-bound carriageway need to be closed alongside where we’re working, using the moveable barrier as our safety barrier as we’ve been doing throughout. A 50-mph speed restriction is also in place.

We have recently discovered that the ground has become very wet on site in one specific location. Additional works are now required to address the ground and surface water issues to make sure the ground is safe and stable so that the permanent works can last.

To ensure the overall project can be delivered safely and on time whilst we address the ground conditions, we have needed to extend our current lane closures from eight miles to 11 miles. This length of closure will only be in place for nine days. Following this, we’ll be switching to two smaller lane closures, the first being 6.5 miles long and the other being one mile long.

Overnight closures

  • To extend the current lane closure from eight to 11 miles, the M20 London-bound was closed overnight from 8pm on Saturday 25 February 2023 until 6am on Sunday 26 February 2023.I’d like to apologise that you weren’t notified of this in advance, and I’m sorry for any inconvenience this caused you.
  • To change from the one long lane closure to the two shorter ones, the M20 London-bound will be closed from 8pm on Monday 6 March 2023 until 6am on Tuesday 7 March 2023.

Diversion route: A clearly signed diversion route will be in place taking traffic along the coastbound M20, the coastbound A20 towards Dover, then along the A2, London-bound M2 and crossing back to the M20 at J7 via the A249.

We’re very sorry about any inconvenience or delay that may be caused by this change.

Our London-bound verge work is still due to finish this spring, at which point we can remove the barrier.

From then until late summer there will be some finishing work to complete, which will require some lane closures. All our timings are subject to change depending on any future deployments of the Brock contraflow system.

As ever, our dates are subject to change. You can check the National Highways closure report which is updated daily with the latest information:https://nationalhighways.co.uk/travel-updates/daily-closure-report/.

You can also find all the latest information on our Twitter feed, Facebook page, and the traffic information pages of our website athttps://nationalhighways.co.uk/travel-updates/.

I apologise for any disruption this may cause you and would like to thank you for your cooperation whilst we carry out this work.

Yours faithfully,

Gary Jeans

Project Manager

National Highways | Bridge House | 1 Walnut Tree Close | Guildford | GU1 4LZ

Web: http://www.nationalhighways.co.uk

This email may contain information which is confidential and is intended only for use of the recipient/s named above. If you are not an intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any copying, distribution, disclosure, reliance upon or other use of the contents of this email is strictly prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please notify the sender and destroy it.

National Highways Limited | General enquiries: 0300 123 5000 |National Traffic Operations Centre, 3 Ridgeway, Quinton Business Park, Birmingham B32 1AF | https://nationalhighways.co.uk | info@nationalhighways.co.uk

Registered in England and Wales no 9346363 | Registered Office: Bridge House, 1 Walnut Tree Close, Guildford, Surrey GU1 4LZ

Kent Community Services Consultation


February 2023

Please see the below from Kent County Council. Please note the closing date of 26th March.

Kent County Council (KCC) has launched a public consultation on its Community Services which will run from 17 January to 26 March 2023.

The consultation proposes changes to the way we use our buildings to deliver some of our community services. We invite your feedback on our proposals as part of this consultation.

Please do feel free to cascade the information about this consultation including the weblink to your members and your network as appropriate.

Why are we proposing changes?

The Council has experienced big increases in costs and has less money to spend. So we need to look ahead and do things differently to make sure we can still help residents in the years to come. Whilst ensuring effective support for residents who need our services, we need to:

  • tackle the rising costs of maintaining our many buildings
  • find savings, so we can balance the budget
  • reduce our carbon footprint to meet our Net-Zero ambitions.

What services are included in the proposals?

Children’s Centres and Youth Hubs, Public Health Services for Children and Families, Community Services for Adults with Learning Disabilities, Community Learning and Skills, and Gateways.

What are we proposing?

  • Having fewer permanent buildings, meaning that some of our buildings would close - we want to keep buildings in areas where they are needed the most
  • co-locating more of our services, meaning more than one service would be available from some of the buildings you might visit
  • continuing to deliver some services by outreach, which means they do not take place in a dedicated or permanent space, but move around to when and where they are needed
  • ensuring residents can continue to access services and information online.

Our proposals have been designed by considering where there is greatest need for our services.

Find out more and share your views

Please visit www.kent.gov.uk/communityservicesconsultation to view the consultation document, design handbooks, a video summarising the proposals, and the Equality Impact Assessments. You can also respond via the online questionnaire (or download the Word version). If you have any queries, please contact communityservicesfeedback@kent.gov.uk.

Kind regards,


Charmaine Keatley

Chief Executive

Kent Association of Local Councils

Tel: 01304 820173- Option 1

For more information on events and to also see our new bitesize learning which include topics such as Planning, please visithttps://www.kentalc.gov.uk/Training__and__Events_21677.aspx

MBC invites children of Maidstone to celebrate King Charles III Coronation


February 2023


Ref: JM/021/2023

Date: 20 February 2023

MBC invites children of Maidstone to celebrate King Charles III Coronation

Maidstone Borough Council (MBC) is holding a Traditional Street Party for local school children to join the Mayor to help celebrate King Charles III Coronation.

As part of the celebrations for the Coronation of His Majesty The King and Her Majesty The Queen Consort, MBC is hosting the party on Friday 5 May. The event is being held especially for the children of Maidstone and the Council is inviting primary schools from across the borough to celebrate the historic occasion.

Each school can apply for ten free tickets each to bring 10 of their Key Stage 2 students to join the Mayor in the celebrations.

The MBC Traditional Street Party will be held outside the Lockmeadow Entertainment Complex where the children can take part in creative activities, enjoy ‘royal’ entertainment and a picnic lunch between 11.30am and 1.30pm.

Mayor of Maidstone, Cllr Derek Mortimer said: “I am delighted that we will be celebrating the Coronation of The King and Majesty The Queen Consort in Maidstone with a street party. I am so pleased that we are holding a Civic Event of this kind which will mean local children from across the borough can get together and enjoy the celebrations of such an historic event.”

As the number of seats are limited tickets will be allocated in order of applications received and all schools that would like to send their students to the party are encouraged to apply as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.

Each successful school is also invited to create a collage of art by the students to depict what the Coronation means to them which will be displayed at the street party and then exhibited in the Love Food @ Lockmeadow food hall.

Any school that would like to apply for tickets should complete an online form at: Mayor of Maidstone Coronation of King Charles III Street Party (google.com)

Successful schools will be notified of their ticket allocation by Friday 31 March 2023.

In addition to the Street Party the Council is encouraging communities to get together to mark the Coronation with local events involving as many people as possible. As part of this MBC is asking people to get together and hold their own Coronation Big Lunch, at which neighbours and communities are invited to share food and fun together and will take place across the country on the Sunday 7 May. MBC is reminding residents to make the most of all of the parks and open spaces across the borough to hold their own picnics as part of the Big Lunch.

In addition, on the Bank Holiday Monday 8 May everyone is being invited to take part in The Big Help Out encouraging people to try volunteering for themselves and join the work being undertaken to support their local areas.


Notes to Editors:

For further information please contact the Maidstone Borough Council Communications Team email: communications@maidstone.gov.uk or call: 01622 602560

Chris Sheppard, Boxley Parish Council Chairman with Helen Whately, MP, Remembrance Sunday at Boxley Church


November 2022


Our Chairman of Boxley Parish Council, Chris Sheppard was joined by Anne Brindle, our local Borough Councillor and Helen Whately, MP to remember those that fought and died for their Country.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them.

Further images can be viewed on our Facebook page - link above.

Road Closure - Westfield Sole Road


October 2022

Urgent Road Closure - Westfield Sole Road, Boxley - 21st October 2022 (Maidstone)

It will be necessary to close Westfield Sole Road, Boxley from 21st October 2022 for up to 1 day.

The road will be closed between the junction of Walderslade Woods and the junction with Lidsing Road.

The alternative route is via Walderslade Woods, Harp Farm Road, Lidsing Road.

This is to enable ironwork and carriageway repair works to be carried out by Kent County Council.

Enclosed is a copy of the Traffic Notice in confirmation of this.

This bulletin contains public information and can be freely forwarded to any other road users who may be affected. Every care is taken to ensure the accuracy of the information, but no liability can be accepted for any changes or errors.

For details of roadworks, please seeOne.Network

KCC Highways, Transportation & Waste: keeping you up to date with what’s happening on our roads - for more information visithttps://www.kent.gov.uk/roads-and-travel or follow us on Twitterhttps://twitter.com/KentHighways


Street Works Mid Team

03000 418181 (9am – 5pm)
03000 419191 (5pm – 9am)

Cost of Living Events


September 2022

Dear Residents

Maidstone Borough Council are holding pop up events to help advise residents on the rise in cost of living. The event will be held from the 3rd to the 8th October. Please see the details and feel free to attend.

Walderslade Woodlands Trust


June 2022

MP Helen Whateley shows support for stopping the Lidsing Development


November 2021

Last Friday, our Chairman Chris Sheppard attended a meeting with MP Helen Whateley at Bredhurst Parish Council Barn. In attendance were Cllr. Heidi Bryant (Conservative member for MBC Boxley Ward); Cllrs. Jones, Carr and Harwood (Bredhurst Parish Council) and Michelle Lowe (from Helen Whately's Westminster Office).

Cllr Sheppard advised it was an extremely positive meeting, where Helen gave 100% support to Against Lidsing Garden Development having also visited the proposed site.

New Vacancy - Parish Caretaker


October 2021

A newly created, interesting and varied position is available to apply for within Boxley Parish Council as our Parish Caretaker. All details can be downloaded via our home page.

Lidsing - The fight goes on - We REALLY need your support!


October 2021

Dear Residents

MBC’s Local Plan Review Regulation 19 will be put before Full Council this evening for approval.

Many of you have already sent in your objections and we now need your support tonight by attending the Full Council Meeting at Mote Hall, Mote Park Leisure Centre, Maidstone at 6pm. You do not have to attend the meeting just turn up and show your support. The press will be there!

This development will have a devastating effect not only on the Villages of Boxley and Bredhurst but also the surrounding road network, not to mention the lack of local services and facilities such as schools (primary/secondary), doctors’ surgeries, hospitals.


Here is a link to the article from the Downsmail for your perusal.


Lidsing Garden City Development - Important Information


September 2021

Dear Residents

Please see the attached information regarding the Lidsing development.

The meeting is being held on Monday 4th October at the Town Hall in Maidstone at 5.30 pm.

Members of the public are able to attend this meeting and can register to speak and voice their opinions (The Parish Council would be happy to help anyone that would like to speak to register). You do not need to register to speak but attendance would help to prove the opposition to this development.

Do not forget that this development gives access to the Gibraltar Farm development of 450 houses and also makes the development of East Hill (650 houses) and Darland Farm more likely.

Help us to protect the green lung that separates Maidstone from Medway.

Kent Association of Local Councils Award


September 2021

Our Chairman Chris Sheppard presented our former Clerk Pauline Bowdery with her KALC Award here at Beechen Hall on the 6th September 2021.  Pauline was a Clerk for many years here within the Parish Council and we congratulate her on this great achievement.

Memorial For Alan Springate


September 2021

A memorial tree and plaque were planted in memory Alan Springate last night at Beechen Hall.

Alan was an extremely hard working member of Boxley Parish Council from 2001 through to his passing in 2015 and a founder member of the Walderslade Woods Group.

Community Information - Rehab 4 Addiction


August 2021

Boxley Parish Council have been asked to share some information to the community from Rehab 4 Addiction.

Boris Mackey, the Outreach Manager had this to share:

At Rehab 4 Addiction we know the negative impact of addiction. We are aware it can hurt your family life, work-life and health. Many people working for us are in recovery.

Contact us about drug rehab in Kent if you need to. We know what you’re going through, and we can help. We provide quality treatment options, these include drug and alcohol rehabs. Residential rehab is one option to also consider. Alcohol and drug addictions cause damage to you and your loved ones. The longer you wait before getting clean, the more suffering they can cause.

Please get in touch by clicking the link below or pass these details onto someone you could help.


Or by ringing: 0800 140 4690

Car Boot Sale - Support Riding for the Disabled Charity

Boxley Village Society


August 2021

Caretaking Position within Beechen Hall


June 2021

Dear Residents

We have a Caretaker position available within Beechen Hall. Please see the attached advertisement.

If you are interested in applying, please post/email your letter and CV to us here at Boxley Parish Council.

Boxley Parish Council

Beechen Hall, Wildfell Close

Walderslade, Chatham

Kent ME5 9RU

Email: assistant-clerk@boxleyparishcouncil.org.uk

Further information can be obtained by contacting Melanie or Daniela 01634 861237.


Bearsted Parish Council Play scheme 2021


June 2021

Tickets for Bearstead Parish Council Summer Playscheme will be going on sale at 12noon tomorrow.

The dates are 25th July 2021 - 6th August 2021.  Weekdays 0900-1500 for school aged children up to 11 years.

Stop the Destruction of Kent


June 2021

Dear Residents

Our Chairman would like to share some further information on the Facebook site "Stop the Destruction of Kent":

An update on MBC’s Local Plan – this was due to go back out to the public for further consultation this month, however, it was announced that this will now not be ready and a new timetable won’t be agreed until sometime in July.

The same developer F D Attwood & Partners has resubmitted plans for 650 houses at East Hill and 450 houses at Gibraltar Farm. These were both refused by Medway Council earlier this year. This is all part of plans for the landowner to build houses on the farmland privately owned in Capstone, Lidsing and Hempstead. As you can see on the map and if you wade through the pages of documents on the planning portals, these all interlink and help access each other.

The landowners own modest transport report suggests that the East Hill development alone will produce approx. 500 extra car journeys am and pm (up to 1000 extra per day). This will feed onto surrounding roads and have a direct access onto the Wagon at Hale roundabout. If he gets the go-ahead for these developments, added to the Lidsing Garden Development, this will mean 3000+ houses on top of the new Darland View development behind the Wagon.

Also, there will only be ‘space’ for retail or a surgery or school – not building, funding, or staffing these. Please note that the landowner also owns the farmland along Pear Tree Lane and Star Lane next to Darland Bank Nature Reserve.

Please see below the details to object to these should you wish to:

Please object to Medway Council for these:

East Hill MC/21/1520 – by 9th July


Gibraltar Farm MC/21/1296 – by 6th July


You have to sign in or register to make a comment.

Please object to Maidstone Borough Council for this:

Gibraltar Farm 21/502751/OUT – by 7th July


The Gibraltar Farm application is going to both councils because the roads affected are in both boroughs.

Chris Sheppard

Chairman - Boxley Parish Council

Rotary North Downs Walk - 8th August 2021


June 2021

Please see the attached information regarding a charity walk in August 2021.

Beechen Hall - Available to Hire


June 2021

Beechen Hall - Now available for Regular Hirers

Are you looking for somewhere to hold regular classes?

Our Acorn room holds up to 50 people and the Main hall 170.

If so give the office a call or email us.

Beechen Hall

Wildfell Close

Walderslade, Chatham

Kent ME5 9RU

Tel: 01634 861237

Tel: 01634 861237

Booking Secretary: Heidi Pearson

Email: beechenhall@boxleyparishcouncil.org.uk


Boxley Village Society - Event - Boot Fair


June 2021

Boxley Village Society are arranging a Boot Fair to be held on Sunday 4th July.

Money raised from selling pitches will go to a local charity, Riding for the Disabled.

The event will be held at the School of Osteopathy, Boxley House, The Street, Boxley, Maidstone ME14 3DZ.

Please do come along to support us.

Annual Parish Council Meeting - Cancelled


May 2021

Due to adverse weather conditions - the Annual Parish Council has been cancelled this evening.

Duke of Edinburgh Award within the Parish


May 2021

Borough in Bloom Competition


April 2021

Maidstone Borough Council


Ref: EW/049/2021

Date: 22 April 2021

Take part and make Maidstone Borough Bloom

For the first time ever Maidstone Borough Council is launching a Maidstone Borough in Bloom competition and is inviting anyone who enjoys creating beautiful gardens or pots to enter.

Working with Coolings Garden Centre in Bearsted, the competition opened on Thursday 22 April and will be open for entries until Monday 5 July.Judging will take place during the last two weeks of July and the Awards Ceremony will be held in September.

There are three categories, residential, commercial and community and any household entering will be given a £5 voucher to spend at Coolings.

A trophy will be awarded for the winner and runner up in each category. All winners in each category will also receive aprize of £25.00 Coolings gift voucher as well as two adult annual tickets for Leeds Castle.

Andrew Williams, Parks and Open Spaces Manager at Maidstone Borough Council said: “We are thrilled to be working with Coolings Garden Centre on this new competition and look forward to seeing all the wonderful gardens and flower display entries. We hope this also encourages businesses to show off their premises, particularly as many will be opening for the first time since being locked down.

“It would be great if in the future, it might be possible for Maidstone to progress to enter the South In Bloom competition which would help tie in the use of public space and community activity all year round.

“We are also working with Kent Wildlife Trust to help give advice on creating pollinator, wildlife friendly gardens as we know people may be interested in how to make their gardens more biodiverse. Our partners at Leeds Castle are very kindly providing prizes, which are very much appreciated, and their specialist gardening consultant will be giving gardening tips in a monthly blog, so look out for that.”

Coolings Head Judge Neil Jackson said: “I look forward to appreciating the beautiful gardens and environmental contribution made by the residents and businesses of Maidstone Borough. Every garden, pot, trough and community project makes the world a better place to live in and it’s important this work is recognised properly.”

The Maidstone Borough in Bloom categories are:

Residential Categories

  • Best Front Garden
  • Best Back Garden
  • Best Planted pot trough or hanging basket
  • Best vegetable garden or allotment
  • Best pollinators garden

Commercial Categories

  • Best Commercial garden
  • Best Commercial Planted pot trough or hanging basket

Community Categories

  • Best Community Environmentally Garden
  • Best Community Ornamental Garden

To enter please complete a Coolings Garden Centre entry form through the Maidstone Borough Council website here:https://maidstone.gov.uk/maidstone-borough-in-bloom


Notes to Editors:

Find Leeds Castle Gardening blog here:https://www.leeds-castle.com/news/Leeds+Castle+News/Spring+Explodes+at+Leeds+Castle

If you would like further details, please contact the Maidstone Borough Council Communications Team email:communications@maidstone.gov.uk or call: 01622 602560

Tiny Talk Mid Kent - Opening Details


March 2021

Dear Residents

Please see details of Tiny Talks re-opening times.

Councillors Elections May 2021


March 2021

Parish Council Elections 6 May 2021

Help your community by becoming a Parish Councillor


Boxley has 15 Parish Councillors and all seats are up for election.

Your commitments would be to attend the 10 monthly Parish Council Meetings. You could also get further involved by joining a Committee. Boxley has three Committees:

Finance and General Purposes which looks at financial and personnel matters and meets six times a year

Estates Committee which looks after the Council’s property and meets six times a year.

Environment Committee which looks at planning, highways and other environmental issues and meets 18 times a year (10 of these are short meetings that follow on from Full Council Meetings)

Working Groups are often formed to look at specific projects in more detail.

You can be as involved as your time permits.

For more information please contact the Parish Clerk, Daniela Baylis on

01634 861237 or 07875426215. Email:clerk@boxleyparishcouncil.org.uk.


Nuisance Off Road Vehicles


March 2021

Kent Police Announcement

We wanted to make you aware of a recent operation that was organised on 28th February that focused on tackling nuisance off road vehicles.

We covered the whole area of the North Downs between Blue Bell Hill and Lenham whilst focusing on the regular problem locations. The day was very successful and we managed to stop and deal with multiple nuisance riders and had a strong presence in the rural communities. We want to take the opportunity to thank the residents in the affected areas for reporting the nuisance activity to us on the day.

Please feel free to share these results and/or press release to any interested parties and local news outlets.

The full press release that was posted on the Kent Police website and social media channels:


Sunday 28th February 2021

Resources: Officers from Maidstone Community Safety Unit, Maidstone Community Protection Team, Medway Community Safety Unit, Medway Town Team, Tonbridge & Malling Community Safety Unit, Rural Task Force with Drone capability, West Division PCSO Task Force, Specials Tasking Unit.

Vehicle seizures: 5 motorbikes seized (3x No Insurance, 2x Used in Crime and no insurance), 1 burnt out 4x4 recovered

Section 59 Warning: 10

Covid-19 FPN: 16 + many more given advice

Arrests: 3

Community Engagement: LOADS! From reading through the returns there were a lot of members of the public out and about on Sunday and said how much they appreciated our presence and visibility.

Weavering Heath Press Release


March 2021

Dear Residents

Please see the great news regarding Weavering Heath.

Crag Report


March 2021

Dear Residents

Please see attached the latest Crag report.

Census 2021


February 2021

Help play your part on Census day

There’s just over a month to go until the Census 2021, the biggest survey of our population.

Census 2021, happening on Sunday 21 March, takes place every ten years and provides

valuable information about households across the UK. By completing it, you will be

contributing to the planning of services, whilst helping to shape your community for the next

ten years.

Census 2021 will be digital 1st, and in these Covid-19 lockdown times everyone is

encouraged to use their computers, laptops or smartphones to complete their Census

Questionnaire. Paper questionnaires will be available on request.  Please see attached document for further information.

Local Authority important Census 2021 update


January 2021


Dear Residents

Please see the attached link in relation to the Local Authority important Census 2021 update. This link also contains information on on recruitment which may prove useful at the moment.

New Chairman Email Address


January 2021

Good Morning Everyone

Boxley Parish Council would like to update you all, that we now have a direct email address for our newly appointed Chairman Vic Davies. He can be contacted at the following address:


Please do not hesitate to get in touch, should you need to.

Urgent Road Closure Yelstead Lane, Yelstead 18 January 2021


January 2021

Covid-19 Scams Warning


January 2021

Please see the following alert from Action Fraud, who is warning the public to remain vigilant as criminals begin to take advantage of the roll out of the COVID-19 vaccine to commit fraud -


Action Fraud is the National Fraud and Cyber Crime Reporting Centre.

Maidstone Borough Council Winter Grant Scheme


January 2021

You may be aware that Maidstone Borough Council are currently offering a Winter Grant Scheme to support local Parishes, Community Groups, Church Groups and similar that are running schemes to help vulnerable households keep warm and fed over the difficult months this winter.

There is still time to bid for funds from £250 to £5000 and we are reaching out to all groups to get in touch if they would like financial support with their schemes.

Examples of schemes running include:

  • Utility Bill Voucher scheme
  • Free Hot Meal support Group
  • Community Shop (not selling cigarettes & alcohol)
  • Food Banks
  • Food Parcels
  • Winter Clothing and Baby Provisions

Even if you are not running any schemes yourself, I would be grateful if you could let me know of any group you know of that may benefit, or are able to pass this information on.

The deadline for bids is 19th January 2021.

Please do get in touch if you would like further information or an application form.

Kind regards

Nicola Toulson

Community Projects Officer

Policy & Information

Maidstone Borough Council, King Street, Maidstone ME15 6JQ

t ­01622 602568 wwww.maidstone.gov.uk

(Monday – Thursday 08:30 – 16:30, Friday 08:30 – 16:00)

Local Plan Review - Lidsing


January 2021

Dear Residents

There has been an extension for this proposed development. The new date set is 8th January 2020. You have until 5pm to send your view on this proposed development.

Please send your email to LDF@maidstone.gov.uk

Ensure that you state you are objecting to SP4(b) development north of the M2 / Lidsing.

Please also include your full name and full address including postcode.


Please send MBC your comments using the consultation portalhttps://maidstone-consult.objective.co.uk/portal/ Alternatively, you can complete the response form (https://localplan.maidstone.gov.uk/home/local-plan-review) and send it to MBC.

Christmas Closure


December 2020

Boxley Parish Council's office closes today at 15:00 for the festive period until Monday 4th January.  Any emails we receive will be answered on our return.

We would like to take this opportunity to wish all of our Residents and your families a very Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year.  Stay home, stay safe and hopefully we can all be together again very soon.

Best Wishes to you all.

Highways England Letter - M20 Junction 3-5


December 2020

Dear Residents

Please see the attached letter from Highways England in relation to the M20 Motorway.

Local Plan Review - Lidsing - Closing tomorrow


December 2020

Dear Residents

This is a reminder that we have until tomorrow 5pm on the 22 December 2020 to send your view on this proposed development. 

Please send you email to LDF@maidstone.gov.uk

Please ensure that you state you are objecting to SP4(b) development north of the M2 / Lidsing.

Please also include your full name and full address including postcode.

Boxley Parish Council Response - Local Plan Review


December 2020

As you may be aware, Maidstone is carrying out a review of its Local Plan. In the call for sites, there are 3 sites, that affect Boxley Parish which have gone into this next consultation phase.

Ref 196 - Willow Farm, Sandling – 45 houses

Ref 216 – Rochester Meadow, Sandling – 20-25 houses

Lidsing – creation of a new Garden community of 2,000 houses that will join up with the Gibraltar Farm development of 450 houses. (full details of the scheme can be found on the Hume Planning website under consultations). The new garden community will join Lordswood/Walderslade with Hempstead Valley and fill in a lot of the ‘protected’ strategic gap.

At meetings on the 7th and 14th December Boxley Parish Council voted to oppose all 3 proposed developments. Please find attached Boxley Parish Council’s response to Maidstone’s Local Plan Review, with regard to the above developments. You can make a response to the consultation on Maidstone Borough Council’s Website under Consultations. Please feel free to use any of our comments in your responses.

Local Plan Review - Lidsing


December 2020

Dear Residents

At Monday nights Parish Council meeting, Councillors agreed to join together with Bredhurst Parish Council to form a working party to oppose the proposed building of 2,000 houses at Lidsing.

This proposal is under review in Maidstone Borough Council’s Local Plan Review. You can access the Local Plan Review Consultation on the MBC website and make your views known.

The deadline for this consultation is 5pm on the 22 December 2020. The development, if successful, would join up with the proposed development of 450 homes at Gibraltar Farm and effectively join the areas of Bredhurst /Lordswood/ Walderslade and Hempstead into one large urban mass eliminating the once protected ‘Medway Strategic Gap’ that is an ‘area of local landscape importance’. All of the land to be built on is currently green fields and woodland.

If you would like to help protect this valuable open area you can join the Facebook group. The Working Group you can join is: The ‘Against Lidsing Village Development’ Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/lidsingplanningopposition

It has accumulated over a 1000 members in less than a week! As it’s a group, you will need to ask to join the group to view posts.

The Parish Council’s formal response will be agreed at the next meeting of its Environment Committee on the 14th December. This will be a virtual meeting on Teams.

The Preferred Approaches document and Sustainability Appraisal, along with the Local Plan Review evidence base and other information can be viewed and downloaded from the MBC's website https://localplan.maidstone.gov.uk/home/local-plan-review If lifting of restrictions of Covid 19 allows The Maidstone Link in King Street and libraries to open, MBC will also make the document available for public inspection at these locations.

Please send MBC your comments using the consultation portalhttps://maidstone-consult.objective.co.uk/portal/ Alternatively, you can complete the response form (https://localplan.maidstone.gov.uk/home/local-plan-review) and send it to MBC.

1. By email to ldf@maidstone.gov.uk

2. By post to Strategic Planning, Maidstone Borough Council, Maidstone House, King Street, Maidstone, ME15 6JQ

All objections must state area:

SP4(b) Development North of the M2 Lidsing

And all emailed or postal objections MUST contain your FULL NAME and POSTAL ADRESSS

Upcoming live test of end of EU transition plans on the M20


December 2020

Please see attached letter regarding an upcoming live test of end of EU transition plans on the M20. Please contact the project team on M20MoveableBarrier@highwaysengland.co.uk for any further queries

Kent PCC Matthew Scott would like to hear your views on what matters to you by completing this year’s Annual Policing Survey


December 2020

Maidstone Borough Council Local Plan Review - Preferred Approaches Consultation


December 2020

Maidstone’s Local Plan is currently under review. Following a Call for Sites several options within the Parish are being considered and have made it through to the next consultation stage. The consultation on the Preferred Approaches (Regulation 18b) for the Local Plan Review has been scheduled for the 1st of December 2020 to the 22nd of December 2020. This is the next stage of informal stakeholder and public involvement in the local plan review process. The sites being considered under this consultation are: Ref: 196 Willow Farm, Sandling – 40 houses Ref: 216 Rochester Meadows, Sandling – 20-25 houses Ref: 330 Lidsing – 9 houses Ref: Lidsing – creation of a new garden community of 1,000+ houses If you would like to have your say on these proposed developments then please go onto Maidstone Borough Council’s website and look under Consultations, the link is further below.

Boxley Parish Council will be submitting their responses to the Consultation after their Environment Committee Meeting on the 14 December.


The Local Plan Review – Preferred Approaches (Regulation 18) document has been prepared for public consultation. The consultation document sets out the preferred spatial strategy for future development, proposed amendments to existing strategic and development management policies and new development management policies for the period 2022-2037.

The Preferred Approaches document is accompanied by a consultation on the Sustainability Appraisal. Sustainability Appraisal is an iterative process which runs alongside the production of the Local Plan Review and helps inform the ongoing decision-making process. The Sustainability Appraisal document being consulted on considers the options for the spatial strategy, site allocations and garden settlements. An update to the Local Plan Review evidence base, including an update to the Strategic Land Availability Assessment and Habitat Regulations Screening Report, has also been published.

The Preferred Approaches document and Sustainability Appraisal, along with the Local Plan Review evidence base and other information can be viewed and downloaded from the council’s website
If lifting of restrictions of Covid 19 allows The Maidstone Link in King Street and libraries to open, we will also make the document available for public inspection at these locations.

Please send us your comments using the consultation portal https://maidstone-consult.objective.co.uk/portal/

Alternatively, you can complete the response form (https://localplan.maidstone.gov.uk/home/local-plan-review) and send it to us
1. By email to ldf@maidstone.gov.uk
2. By post to Strategic Planning, Maidstone Borough Council, Maidstone House, King Street, Maidstone, ME15 6JQ
Consultation on both documents open on Tuesday 1st December and we need to receive your comments no later than 5pm on Tuesday 22nd December.
Please note, in order to maintain compliance with the published timetable for the Local Plan Review (contained in the adopted Local Development Scheme) the 22nd December 2020 will be the cut-off date for any further call for sites submissions for this Local Plan Review. Site submissions received after this date cannot be guaranteed to be assessed and may be carried forward to the next review.

All consultation comments will be made publicly available on the consultation portal (https://maidstone-consult.objective.co.uk/portal/ ) in due course. This is so that interested parties can view all the responses that have been received. Published information will include the comment and responder name. All demographic and contact data will be removed. All data is processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018. The consultation responses will be used to inform the next stages of the Local Plan Review.
If you do not wish to receive Local Plan Review updates like this in the future, please contact the Strategic Planning team at LDF@maidstone.gov.uk and we will remove your details from our contacts database.

Maidstone Borough Council is committed to maintaining the privacy, security, trust and confidence of all our partners, clients and customers when you use our services. To find out more, please make sure you read our privacy notice here: http://www.maidstone.gov.uk/home/privacy-and-cookies
Kind regards, Rob Jarman, Head of Planning and Development, Maidstone Borough Council.

Beechen Hall Closure


November 2020

Dear Residents

Beechen Hall will close its doors once more due to COVID-19 and the Government guidelines put in place from midnight on Wednesday 4th November 2020.

The Parish Office will remain open and staff are contactable by email or phone as normal.

Please stay safe and we look forward to welcoming you all back December.

Press Release from Maidstone Borough Council - Covid-19


November 2020


Test and Trace Support Payment Scheme

Maidstone Borough Council is supporting the government Test and Trace Support Payment scheme.

The Test and Trace Support payment of £500 is to help people who have been told to self-isolate by the NHS.

It is for anyone employed or self-employed on a low income and in receipt of certain benefits who has tested positive for COVID-19 or been in close contact with someone who has tested positive. They will need to be unable to work from home and have received a notification from the NHS to self-isolate.

Stephen McGinnes, Mid Kent Services Director said: “If you’re someone who is on a lower income, who cannot work from home and has lost income as a result of self-isolating, you could get help with this new Test and Trace support payment.

“These payments of £500 are designed to make sure people who have tested positive for COVID-19 and their close contacts self-isolate for the required period to stop the onward spread of the virus.

“They are also designed to encourage individuals who are eligible for this payment to get tested if they have symptoms. This is important to help stop the transmission of COVID-19 and avoid further economic and societal restrictions.

“Do you know someone who might qualify? If so, please let them know and also make sure you tell your friends and family.  We are encouraging anyone in Maidstone on a low income who needs financial support while having to self-isolate to apply as soon as possible.”

All applications must be made within 14 days of the end of a self-isolation period and the scheme is open until 31 January 2021.Anyone who is told to self-isolate on or after 28 September will be able to make a backdated claim for payment as long as they have received notification from the NHS.

To apply people need to complete an online self-isolation payment application form which will then be assessed for eligibility:maidstone.gov.uk/testandtracesupport

For more information about the scheme please visit:https://www.gov.uk/government/news/new-package-to-support-and-enforce-self-isolation


Notes to Editors:

The qualifying criteria are:

  • have been asked to self-isolate by NHS Test and Trace either because they’ve tested positive for coronavirus or have recently been in close contact with someone who has tested positive
  • be employed or self-employed
  • be unable to work from home and will lose income as a result
  • be currently receiving Universal Credit, Working Tax Credit, income-based Employment and Support Allowance, income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance, Income Support, Housing Benefit and/or Pension Credit.

Temporary Road Closure, Forstal Road, Sandling


October 2020

Temporary Road Closure –Forstal Road, Sandling – 12th November 2020

Kent County Council has made an Order to temporarily prohibit through traffic on Forstal Road, Sandling from 12th November 2020 for up to 1 night between the hours of 22:00 and 02:00.

The road will be closed south of the junction with Lock Lane, to the extent indicated by signs and barriers on site.

The alternative route for any through traffic (excluding HGVs) is via Running Horse Roundabout, Chatham Road, Cobtree Roundabout, A229 Blue Bell Hill, Kits Coty Slip Northbound Off, Rochester Road, Forstal Road and vice versa.

The alternative route for HGVs is via M20 J6 Join Link to J5 West, M20 J5 Leave Link From J6 West, Junction 5 Interchange, Coldharbour Lane, A20 London Road, Hall Road, Station Road and Forstal Road.

Access for emergency service vehicles and pedestrians will be maintained at all times during the closure.

The closure is required for the safety of the public and workforce while reinstatement works are undertaken by Southern Water.

For information regarding this closure please contact Southern Water on 0330 303 0368, who will be able to assist with the scope of the works.

This bulletin contains public information and can be freely forwarded to any other road users who may be affected. Every care is taken to ensure the accuracy of the information, but no liability can be accepted for any changes or errors.

Road names are taken from the National Street Gazetteer on Elgin, with alternative names given where known.

For details of roadworks, please seewww.roadworks.org

KCC, Highways Transportation & Waste: keeping you up to date with what's happening on our road - for more information visithttp://www.kent.gov.uk/travel orhttp://www.kent.gov.uk/highways


TTRO Co-Ordinator, Mid Kent Division
KCC Highways, Transportation & Waste
Aylesford Highway Depot
St Michael's Close
ME20 7BU

Tel: 03000 418181 (24hr Contact Centre)


A229 Blue Bell Hill Junction Improvement Scheme

Boxley Parish Council


October 2020

KCC are planning a major programme of works to improve this junction and have produced 3 options that residents can comment on.

To access the consultation and all the documents search for .


Survey closes 19 October 2020

Maidstone Borough Council has a number of consultations open. To access these, go to their website and search for consultations.

Budget Survey

Residents and businesses are invited to have their say on the council’s spending priorities for the next year.

Like many councils, the Covid-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on Maidstone Borough Council and the community it serves. The Council has been at the forefront of the response to the pandemic, for example in supporting rough sleepers and the homeless, establishing a community hub to support vulnerable members of society, and distributing over £30 million of grants to small businesses.

The restrictions introduced in response to the pandemic have resulted in a significant reduction in the income which we collect in order to subsidise local services. This includes income from parking, planning applications, council tax, business rates and rents from property which the council owns. Additional costs have been incurred in responding to the pandemic and providing support to the most vulnerable members of our community.

For 2021/22, the Council is facing a budget gap of £3.3m and we are keen to hear your views to help inform our response to this exceptional challenge. We will be considering all areas to identify options for reducing costs or increasing income. It’s important that we understand what your priorities are so that this can be taken into account as we consider the budget for the coming financial year.

The council funds a significant proportion of its spending through council tax. The basic average council tax charge made by this council for 2020/21 is £265.59 (band D charge for a non-parished area). More information about council tax and how we spend this can be found in our summary document.

The survey closes 5th November 2020.

It takes around 6 minutes to complete.

Cyber Crime Scam


October 2020

Dear Residents

Please see an important announcement from the City of London Police regarding a current scam that is occurring.
Please be vigilant and report any cyber crimes to Actionfraud.police.uk or by calling 0300 123 2040.

Bearsted Cutting Stabilisation Works


October 2020

Dear Neighbor,

Railway Improvement Works – Bearsted Cutting Stabilisation Works

I am writing to update you on the urgent works to stabilise the cutting in the Bearsted area from the 14 September 2020 until late 2021. The works will involve stabilising the rock cutting on both sides of the railway line to make sure that the railway remains safe and open for trains to be able to operate.

We will be holding a Zoom virtual community drop-in session on the 7 October 2020 from 17:00 to 19:00 where you will be able to drop in at any time during this time. Representatives from the project team and BAM Nuttall the contractor who will be delivering the work on behalf of Network Rail we will be presenting an overview of the stabilisation works and will be able to answer any questions that you may have.

To join using video from a computer, a tablet or a smartphone:

1) Go to: Zoom.us in your Internet browser or the Zoom app.

2) Click ‘Join a Meeting’

3) Enter the meeting ID: 890 0498 6585

4) Enter the passcode: 627911

To join the call using only audio from a telephone:

1) Dial: 0131 460 1196

2) Enter the meeting ID: 890 0498 6585

3) Enter the passcode: 627911

The works will be completed in three phases and this letter is to inform you about Phase 1 of the works, which started on the14 September 2020 from 07:30 – 17:30 Monday to Friday. We will write to you again to update you on these works as they progress.

Work will take place during a line closure of the railway as follows:






3 October 2020



5 October 2020

Further weekend and/or night-time track access may be required for the project. This requirement is under review and we will capture any additional plans in our next communications.

The work will involve clearing trees and vegetation along the length of the cutting between the junctions of Cornflower/Meadowdown/Grovewood Drive South and Ashford Road. Most of the vegetation clearance will be on the cress (top) and slope of the cutting. Where possible we will leave as many mature trees along the boundary fence that is safe to be able to leave and which does not impact the design for the permanent works.

To facilitate these works there will be a lane closure with temporary traffic lights on Grovewood Drive South commencing from the 14 September 2020. The lane closure will give us an area to set up our main site compound and provide safe access to the top of the railway cutting.

We will be using a combination of steel mesh and soil nails to hold the rock face in place. The mesh will be secured by drilling rock anchors into the cutting face at various points and then securing the mesh. This will prevent further failures of the cutting and make sure that the railway remains open and safe for passengers.

We will be using long-reach excavators and a rig that is anchored to the top of the cutting. We will be abseiling down the cutting face with the rig to carry out these works.Due to the nature of the work and the equipment we need to use you may experience some disturbance. However, every effort will be made to minimise as much noise a possible.

Below is a map showing the area of the cutting where we will be working.

I hope this information is helpful and we apologise for any inconvenience these essential works may cause. However, if you have any additional questions or concerns, please visit

www.networkrail.co.uk or telephone our 24-Hour National Helpline on 03457 11 41 41 quoting Bearsted Cutting Stabilisation Works.

Yours faithfully

Paula Williams




October 2020

In the Borough of Maidstone



Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984

Notice is hereby given that KENT COUNTY COUNCIL under sections 1(1), 2 (1) to (3), 3 (2), 4 (1) and (2), 32 (1), 35 (1), 44, 45, 46, 49 and 53 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (hereinafter called “the Act”) and of all other enabling powers, and after consultation with the chief officer of police in accordance with Paragraph 20 of Schedule 9 to the Act, hereby make the following order:-

The effect of the Order will be to place school keep clear markings on the following lengths of roads as prescribed below:-

Roads in the Borough of Maidstone

PROVENDER WAY, BOXLEY – (1) On the south western side from a point opposite and in line with the northern boundary of 1 Restharrow Road for a distance of 31.5 metres in a north westerly direction. (2) On the south western side from a point and in line with the south eastern boundary of 31 Speedwell Close for a distance of 31.5 metres in a north westerly direction. DARMAN LANE, LADDINGFORD – On the east side across the entrance to the Laddingford St Mary’s Primary School. HAM LANE, LENHAM - On the north eastern side across the south eastern and north western entrances to the Lenham Primary School. BOWER MOUNT ROAD, MAIDSTONE – On the north western side across the entrance to The Cedars.

The Order was made on 1 October 2020 and its provisions will come into effect on 12 October 2020.

A copy of the Order, statement of the Council’s reasons for making the Order, a map indicating the location and the effect and a copy of any Orders which will be amended by the Order may be examined on Monday to Friday at The Kent County Council, Sessions House, Maidstone, ME14 1XQ; The Kent County Council, Highway, Transportation & Waste, Ashford Highway Depot, Henwood Industrial Estate, Unit 4 Javelin Way, Ashford, Kent TN24 8AD during normal office hours or viewed online at www.kent.gov.uk/highwaysconsultations

Anyone may, by application to the High Court within 6 weeks of the date of publication of this Notice, challenge the validity of the Orders or of any provision contained in them on the grounds that it is not within the powers conferred by the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, or any instrument made thereunder, or that there has been a failure to comply with any statutory requirement to the Orders.

Simon Jones

Director of Highways, Transportation & Waste

Tiny Talk Baby Signing


September 2020

We are excited to annouce we have a new class starting here at Beechen Hall this coming Monday morning 28th September.

Tiny Talk Bay Signing will be joining us for a regular class. The lovely Anna Drywood-Senior can be contacted on 07870 270921 or via email on annad@tinytalk.co.uk to make your booking. We look forward to welcoming Anna and all who attend.

Covid-19 Measures for Beechen Hall


September 2020

As the hall is now open for regular classes we would like to remind you that our hall has strict Covid-19 measures in place. To ensure that we keep everyone as safe as possible, could we please ask you to help by adhering to our rules and regulations set out below.

You must not enter if you or anyone in your household has COVID-19 symptoms.

If you develop COVID-19 symptoms within 7 days of visiting these premises alert Test, Track and Trace. Alert the hall cleaner whose number is displayed in the entrance lobby and alert the organiser of the activity you attended.

Maintain 2 metres social distancing as far as possible. Wait behind the marked lines as you go through the entrance hall to your activity and observe the one-way system marked.

Ensure you are wearing your face covering when entering and exiting the building.

Use the hand sanitiser provided on entering the premises. Clean your hands often. Soap and paper towels are provided.

Avoid touching your face, nose and eyes. Clean your hands if you do.

“Catch it, Bin it, Kill it”. Tissues should be disposed of into one of the rubbish bins provided. Then wash your hands.

Check the organisers of your activity have cleaned the door handles, tables, other equipment, sinks and surfaces before you have arrived. Keep them clean. We can not clean in between each hire.

Take turns to use the confined spaces such as corridors, kitchen and toilet area. Standing or sitting next to someone is lower risk than opposite them. Briefly passing another person in a confined space is low risk.

• Keep the hall well ventilated. Close the doors and windows on leaving.

This hall is cleaned regularly.

We look forward to welcoming you all.

Beechen Hall Bookings


September 2020

Under the updated Government guidelines we are pleased to announce that Beechen Hall is now able to hold Wakes and Wedding parties for up to a maximum of 30 people. Please do get in touch by emailing assistant-clerk@boxleyparishcouncil.org.uk or calling the Parish Office directly on 01634 861237 to check availability.

Update regarding Garden Waste Collections


September 2020

As you are aware Maidstone and Mid Kent operate a subscription based garden waste service. Over the past 6 months, the subscription rate for the service has increased by nearly 2,000 properties in Maidstone, with a total of 6,000 additional subscriptions across the whole of Mid Kent. This is largely due to the closure of the Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRCs) and then the subsequent restrictions and booking system introduced when they reopened.

The rapid increase in the service has resulted in difficulties completing the work within the crew’s legal working hours, despite additional staff and vehicles being deployed. The primary issue is that the additional subscribers are spread across the three Boroughs and therefore the provision of one or two additional vehicles is not sufficient to cover the mileage between properties.

Therefore Biffa are about to implement a re-routing exercise to improve the efficiency of the rounds and enable the services to not only complete the current workload but have more resilience to further growth in the service.

This means that a number of properties will experience changes to DAY and / or collection WEEK for their GARDEN WASTE service. This will NOT affect the refuse, recycling or food waste collections. There are already many properties in the Borough that have a different garden collection day to their refuse and recycling, however this number will grow to enable the subscribed service to operate efficiently.

Some properties will experience a change in week of collection which may result in slightly longer wait between collections during the transitional fortnight. However Biffa will be carrying out additional collections during that fortnight to ensure no one is disadvantaged. Residents affected by this, will be notified of their new collection day and the additional interim collection day on a leaflet accompanying the attached letter. The ‘look-up’ function on the website will be updated next week to ensure that it remains accurate to provide residents’ their next collection date.

The changes are being implemented from Monday 21 September 2020 and the letter and leaflet is due to be sent out this week.

If you have any queries please can you direct them to waste@maidstone.gov.uk so the team can respond.

Beechen Hall Re-opening for Regular Classes


September 2020

Dear Residents

Great news!

We are happy to report that Beechen Hall will be re-opening our doors to the public initially just for our Regular Classes only from today.

There are new Covid-19 measures in place, numbers to these classes will be reduced in line with Government guidelines. Our hirers have been briefed and are fully informed of these guidelines and requirements and can update you prior to your arrival. Please ensure contact your class organiser prior to attending.

We are sadly not able to take any bookings for parties at this current time, however we will be reviewing this in October 2020 based on the current government guidelines.

We very much look forward to welcoming you all back.

New Weight Watchers Class at Beechen Hall


September 2020

The Parish Council have some exciting news!

Weight Watchers are joining us here at Beechen Hall.

Join Pauline Silk at Walderslade Weight Watchers workshop between 6-7pm every Wednesday evening.

There are full Covid-19 safety guidelines in place and we will run as an express workshop for the time being.

This means that you will need to follow the guidelines such as keeping your shoes on, wearing a face mask and sanitising your hands on arrival.

We have some lovely Weight Watchers goodies to buy, please you can pay by card only as we are cashless.

Please ensure you have your valid workshop/digital pass either as a photo or via your ww app.

If you need to rejoin, it will save time (and there are some great offers) via our website - sign up to workshop & digital.

If you would like further details please contact Pauline Silk via email: psilk@ww.com

Covid-19 - Difficult Times

Boxley Parish Council


March 2020

Dear Residents 

This is an alert for those deemed vulnerable in our community. Join a local Facebook group if you are able, you will then be able to post a message and if you need help with anything people will respond. 

Alternatively you can put a green piece of paper in your window if you are fine and do not need help and a red piece of paper if you need assistance with anything. Someone will then put a note through your letterbox with their phone number to call and then help you with anything you need. 

These are difficult times and it’s important to help each other where we are able to do so. 

Daniela Baylis

Covid-19 - Beechen Hall Closure

Beechen Hall


March 2020

Following the Government Directive on Friday afternoon Beechen Hall is now closed until further notice. Bookings up until and including the 19th April 2020 are being cancelled or rearranged for later in the year. Bookings from 20th April might be able to go ahead and are currently on hold. All cancelled bookings will get a full refund with no costs incurred.

The telephone and emails are still being answered if anyone needs any further information.

Stay safe and take care. 

Daniela Baylis
Parish Clerk


Boxley Parish Council


March 2020

Regular Hirers

If you need to cancel your regular bookings on Government advice then your slot will be kept open and you will not incur any charges.

If the Government declares the closure of all public buildings, then all bookings will be cancelled until such time as we can reopen. In this instance your booked slot will remain reserved and you will not incur any charges.

Casual Hirers

Your booking can still go ahead if you would like it to. If we receive a Government directive advising to close all public buildings, then we will need to cancel your booking and all money will be refunded with no administration charges incurred.

If you would like to cancel or postpone your event then please let us know as soon as possible. Due to the extraordinary circumstances in this instance you will receive a full refund with no administration charges.

Christmas Opening Hours

Boxley Parish Council


December 2019

Our offices will be closing at midday on Tuesday 24th December and re-opening on Thursday 2nd January 2020.

The Parish Council would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Website issues

Boxley Parish Council


July 2019

The parish council is currently experiencing difficulties with its website and apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Currently it is not possible to display the Audit information and Annual Return and attempts are being made to reinstate the relevant document folders. Please bear with us.

Residents wishing to have a personal copy supplied to them please contact the parish office.

Planning decisions Popes Field

Boxley Parish Council


April 2019

From Bob Hinder Chairman Boxley Parish Council

Dear residents and councillors,

Last night’s decision by the Maidstone Planning Committee was utterly devastating for all involved and the community, it leaves a bitter taste in everyone’s mouths.

It surprized nearly all of us that the Legal Officer’s recommendation, to drop the two planning applications from the agenda, was rejected by the committee so I must thank the many residents who had turned up on the off chance that the applications would be heard. As it had looked like the two applications would be dropped from the agenda many residents who may have attended choose not to do so and the decision to permit both applications will be a great shock and upset to many, many people. The meeting was recorded and is available on the MBC website but as it was an emotionally charged meeting I have asked the Clerk to produce a factual summary of what happened, see below. This information is not going to lessen the anger and frustration many residents, Parish and Borough Councillors will be feeling, infact it may increase it, but I hope it helps residents to understand how this sorry state of affairs played out.

Clerk’s notes concerning Maidstone Borough Council Meeting 25 April 2019

Planning Applications 18/506656 and 18/506609

Borough Councillor Clive English, Chairman of the Planning Committee (PC) opened the discussion with an explanation of why he was thought that the Legal Officer’s recommendation should not be followed. He spoke of the independence, from politics, of the PC and the need that its members took a decision on the two items at that meeting rather than defer them. He put forward a proposal that the committee should consider the planning applications.

Prior to taking a vote he allowed a committee member to make a comment. The member stated that it was a shame that the Legal Officer’s recommendation had been put forward as he felt it had stopped many residents who may have planned to come to the meeting from attending.

The members voted to proceed with the two planning applications.

18/506656 Application for the two schools.

The Planning Officer gave a summary of the planning application.

The Chairman called for the speakers:

Mr Richard Coward Resident

Mrs Pauline Bowdery Parish Clerk on behalf of Boxley Parish Council

Cllr Fabienne Hughes Bearsted Parish Councillor

A speaker on behalf of the applicant.

Borough (and Parish) Councillor Bob Hinder

Borough (and Parish) Councillor Wendy Hinder

Cllr Mike Cuming Borough Councillor also speaking on behalf of Cllr Val Springett and Cllr Nick De-Wiggondene

Members of the Committee then debated the planning application it was not an easy debate with much frustration coming from members some of whom felt that their independence as a Local Planning Authority was being squashed/undermined by Government regulations. The following issues were raised:

  • MBC had previously lost two similar applications at Appeal because the Government guidance that schools had to be built meant the Planning Inspector always decided for the schools.
  • Decisions at Appeal nearly always meant that conditions negotiated or imposed by the LPA were not supported by the Planning Inspector and so the development went ahead with fewer mitigation measures. Clerk’s note: the two applications mentioned did not include the STEM school application. A statement was made that typically Planning Inspectors remove Planning Conditions, the experience of the Parish Council is that this sadly is a correct statement of fact.
  • Whether the decision to change the boundary of the education areas, made by KCC recently, was actually done for the right reason. Whether the North Education Area was actually a ‘fair’ area and were the boundaries actually correct.
  • Whether the KCC Education Department should be challenged on its statements concerning school needs etc. Whether this application could be deferred to allow this challenge. Clerk’s note: The Chairman notified the member that as KCC was the Education Authority if the application went to Appeal then the Inspector would question by MBC thought it knew better

Then the KCC Education Department which was the professional body. Unless MBC could come up with clear evidence of misinformation then the Planning Inspector would not consider this as evidence.

  • Whether it was right for members of the Planning Committee to state/think that they had no choice but to allow the application because they would lose at Appeal.
  • Whether the risk of losing mitigating conditions was worth the gamble, one many members felt they would lose, on an Appeal decision.
  • The lack of KCC engagement at the Local Plan stage that meant that MBC was not asked to identify possible school sites.
  • The need for school places.
  • Better landscaping was needed.
  • Whether condition 19 (Highway changes at and to the East of Gidds Pond Cottages) was needed as pupils would not be walked from Bearsted along Bearsted Road but would use the footpaths in the estates. Clerk’s note: there was some suggestion that this be removed but the KCC Highway Officer said it could not be or KCC would have to object to the planning application. This removal did not seem to be part of the final vote.
  • The car park being insufficient and unable to cope with the traffic. Clerk’s note. The Planning Officer notified the committee that the applicant had offered, at the loss of some landscaping, an extra 6 spaces.Strong statements were made by members, along the lines of this parking is inadequate and isn’t going to work.
  • Involving Ward Borough Councillors and Parish Councils in the discussions relating to the draft travel plan (Condition 18).

Officers were consulted at various stages during the debate.

Many members voiced that they were unhappy with the situation and felt that they had no choice

The vote was 7 for and 5 against, so the application was permitted.


18/506609 Change of Use planning application.

The Planning Officer gave a summary of the planning application.

The Chairman called for the speakers:

Mr Keith Clark Resident

Cllr James Willmott Boxley Parish Councillor

Cllr Fabienne Hughes Bearsted Parish Councillor

Borough (and Parish) Councillor Bob Hinder also speaking on behalf of Cllr Wendy Hinder

Cllr Mike Cuming Borough Councillor also speaking on behalf of Cllr Val Springett and Cllr Nick De-Wiggondene

The Chairman tried to explain that failure to approve the planning application, as the schools had been permitted, could result in a loss at Appeal and no replacement site being identified. Clerk’s note: I’m not sure many of those sitting in the public section may have picked this up.It was a very emotion introduction as the Chairman was extremely frustrated/angry that the situation had got to this and was insisting that this should never happen again.

Members of the Committee then debated the planning application and many expressed their frustration/anger that:

  • The original condition supplying the LNR had been insufficient to ensure a) it was built and b) ownership remained with the landowner.
  • Further conditions should be tighter requiring such sites to be developed as soon as other development work started.
  • The Local Plan was being ignored.
  • The site being offered was smaller and not compatible.
  • It wasn’t a gain but a net loss of biodiversity.
  • Unless it came into public ownership the substituted NR land could be put forward for development in the future.
  • The new site was tiny and had fragile habitats that would suffer from public use, dogs etc. and unsympathetic management. The suggested management plan, with mown areas and the site being open to the public, was totally unacceptable. Clerk’s note: the current site would not have been open to the public.

Clerk’s note: The Planning Officer was challenged about a statement that was made that the term Local Nature Reserve in the Local Plan didn’t actually mean LNR and that MBC couldn’t designate LNR.

Criticism of previous decisions made by MBC were strongly voiced and the issue is to be reported to an MBC committee for investigation.

Permitted subject to negotiations to get the land into MBC ownership so it can never be developed. Clerk’s note; might have been 8 for, 1 against and 2 abstentions.

Clerk’s note: MBC’s decisions are now quasi legal, they will go ahead. There is no right of Appeal by objectors, the only course of action is a request to the Secretary of State that the decisions are called in but as the Secretary of State is the body demanding new schools be supported and built and as the schools application is supported by the Department of Education, KCC Education, KCC Highways, the local MP and the Local Planning Authority (MBC) then it is certain not to be successful. The Secretary of State rarely intervenes.

Village Green Stautus Petition

Boxley Parish Council


April 2019

The resident who started the petition to get MBC to place Weavering Heath into voluntary village green status has asked that residents be reminded of the e-petition existence.

So far there are 134 signatures but he understands that some people are finding it a bit difficult to engage with the MBC site but asks that you be patient and if you can’t get on using a tablet or smart phone would you consider using your computer if you have one.

ePetition - Village Green status for Weavering Heath


My Community Voice Kent Logo

The Police

Message Type Icon

Marden Beat Patrol

Maidstone beat officers were patrolling Marden and engaging with local businesses. Working together to make Kent a safe place to live and work.

If you see us out and about please come say hello!


Boxley Church Christmas Tree Festival

Help a Veteran Today - Armed Forces Network App

Please help us to help Veterans across the area by downloading the Armed Forces Network app, Forces Connect. This is an app we are pushing as it is a fantastic tool to get help for ex-forces personnel for anything from housing, finance or mental health.

A20 Coldharbour Roundabout Improvement Scheme Update

Project Update

The work on the project is progressing well.

Over the past month:

  • the central island of the new roundabout is nearly complete. All kerbs have been installed, drainage works complete and topsoiling is underway ahead of seeding;
  • asphalt placement is underway during night closures. Final surface course will be placed at a later stage of the scheme;
  • work on all of the island approaches to the roundabout is underway;
  • topsoil has been applied to various areas of the project in preparation for landscaping works to start; the old carriageway has been removed from the roundabout;
  • kerbs have been installed.

The full overnight closure (8pm-6am) started on 22 July and will continue until 10 August. The diversion on the A20 eastbound to ensure worker and road user safety remains in place.

Forthcoming Works

During August the following works are planned:

  • Completion of the maintenance track on the new roundabout.
  • Continuing work on the Eastern Widening on Coldharbour Lane, including footpath construction, drainage installation and kerbs.
  • Construction of the eastern island.
  • Start of landscaping works, including grass seeding. Tree planting will take place from November.

The lane closure on the western arm of the roundabout for UKPN to install a cable was implemented on 29 July and will be in place for 3-4 weeks. This lane closure is in place 24 hours a day.

The full overnight closure of the roundabout has now ended. The next full closure is planned for October. Once confirmed the dates and diversions will be displayed via electronic signage boards on all approaches to the roundabout and will also be on the project website www.coldharbourroundabout.co.uk

Regular adjustments to the traffic management will also be made.



Following the Bearsted Road Improvement project update at the start of June regarding the delivery of the main works, the update is as follows:-The lack of indexation uplifts on the majority of the project budget have been highlighted recently and the fact that any increase in cost sits solely with KCC as the Highway Authority. This remains the case and as previously notified, we have closed down the early works site and the temporary site cabins have been removed. The site compound and the area of the new access road have been secured temporarily whilst we seek an alternative contractor for this project.  

KCC is still committed to the delivery of the main scheme and therefore we are actively seeking a more cost effective solution for the construction and are putting an updated set of documents out to the industry to invite new submissions for the works, a process that will take several months. The eventual programme will need to tie in with other works and available road space as well as agreements with the adjacent landowner. KCC have reduced project construction risks by completing some of the critical offline works in advance and had further detailed engagement with the many utility companies affected by these works to minimise those impacts.  Once KCC has further news about the construction contract for the main works on the highway, a more comprehensive briefing and newsletter will be circulated to residents. The website is being updated to reflect the current position.


The Making Space for Nature project, which is developing the Local Nature Recovery Strategy for Kent and Medway, is reaching its halfway point. So far, Making Space for Nature has seen genuine active participation from over 450 individuals who, amongst them, represent over 200 different organisations, bodies, businesses and affiliations from across the county. The project has also been reaching out to farmers, landowners and land advisors, and spreading the word about the Local Nature Recovery Strategy. From working with the NFU and CLA, to joining farming events with partners and Farmer Cluster meetings across the county, a key aim has been to highlight potential future links to ELMS and BNG, and gather insights about the nature-friendly land management practices that are already happening in Kent. As a result of this collaboration, the Local Nature Recovery Strategy really taking shape, with the priorities and actions for nature recovery established, and the refinement of these continuing over the coming months.

Now the Local Nature Recovery Strategy development approaches arguably its most crucial stage that will bring all the work together as a complete strategy: the mapping stage. Where should we focus future nature recovery work? How do we stitch together the tapestry of nature recovery action that is already happening across the county? And how will this mapping influence land use in Kent? Making Space for Nature invites you to join them and have your say on this work at a final series of development workshops in September. These workshops are free, and lunch is provided for all attendees. Click the links below to reserve your space:

12th September, 09:30-15:00 – Three Hills Sports Park, Folkestone

17th September, 09:30-15:00 – Quex Barn, Birchington

19th September, 09:30-15:00 – Lenham Community Centre, Lenham

24th September, 09:30-15:00 – St Margaret’s Millennium Centre, Rainham

26th September, 09:30-15:00 – NIAB, East Malling


As part of our work to repair and maintain the M20, we’ll shortly be starting a series of improvements at junction 5 and 6 for Maidstone and Chatham. We’ll be carrying out work such as repairing joints on the M20, which is critical to maintaining and improving safety.

Closure information

We’ll be closing the distributor lane on M20 London-bound between junction 6 and 5:

  • 8pm Friday 22 September to 6amMonday 25 September
  • Monday 25 to Thursday 28 September – 8pm to 6am each night
  • 8pm Friday 6 October to 6am Monday 9 October
  • Monday 9 to Thursday 12 October – 8pm to 6am each night

The main carriageway will remain open usual, with a diversion in place via the coastbound carriageway to junction 7 and back.

The M20 London-bound between junction 6 and 5 will be closed:

  • 8pm Friday 29 September to 6amMonday 2 October
  • Monday 2 to Thursday 5 October – 8pm to 6am each night
  • 8pm Friday 13 October to 6am Monday 16 October
  • Monday 16 to Thursday 19 October – 8pm to 6am each night

A diversion will be in place via the distributor lane.

Please note that these works are subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances, such as unsuitable weather.

We’ll need to continue our work between junction 6 and 5 for up to two months. We’ll be posting more information on our webpage:nationalhighways.co.uk/se-maintenance – just look for M20 junction 5 to 6 bridge repairs

If you have any questions about this work, you can contact our Customer Contact Centre on 0300 123 5000, who will pass your query to the team, or email:info@nationalhighways.co.uk.

Test and Trace Support Payment Scheme


Ref: EW/130/2020

Date: 5 October 2020

Test and Trace Support Payment Scheme

Maidstone Borough Council is supporting the government Test and Trace Support Payment scheme, which is now live.

The Test and Trace Support payment of £500 is to help people who have been told to self-isolate by the NHS.

It is for anyone employed or self-employed on a low income and in receipt of certain benefits who has tested positive for COVID-19 or been in close contact with someone who has tested positive. They will need to be unable to work from home and have received a notification from the NHS to self-isolate.

Stephen McGinnes, Mid Kent Services Director said: “If you’re someone who is on a lower income, who cannot work from home and has lost income as a result of self-isolating, you could get help with this new Test and Trace support payment.

“These payments of £500 are designed to make sure people who have tested positive for COVID-19 and their close contacts self-isolate for the required period to stop the onward spread of the virus.

“They are also designed to encourage individuals who are eligible for this payment to get tested if they have symptoms. This is important to help stop the transmission of COVID-19 and avoid further economic and societal restrictions.

“Do you know someone who might qualify? If so, please let them know and also make sure you tell your friends and family.  We are encouraging anyone in Maidstone on a low income who needs financial support while having to self-isolate to apply as soon as possible.”

All applications must be made within 14 days of the end of a self-isolation period and the scheme is open until 31 January 2021.Anyone who is told to self-isolate on or after 28 September will be able to make a backdated claim for payment as long as they have received notification from the NHS.

To apply people need to complete an online self-isolation payment application form which will then be assessed for eligibility:maidstone.gov.uk/testandtracesupport

For more information about the scheme please visit:https://www.gov.uk/government/news/new-package-to-support-and-enforce-self-isolation

Notes to Editors:

The qualifying criteria are:

  • have been asked to self-isolate by NHS Test and Trace either because they’ve tested positive for coronavirus or have recently been in close contact with someone who has tested positive
  • be employed or self-employed
  • be unable to work from home and will lose income as a result
  • be currently receiving Universal Credit, Working Tax Credit, income-based Employment and Support Allowance, income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance, Income Support, Housing Benefit and/or Pension Credit.

If you would like further details, please contact the Maidstone Borough Council Communications Team: email: communications@maidstone.gov.uk or call: 01622 602560

Ella Watkins

Deputy Communications Manager

Maidstone Borough Council, King Street, Maidstone, Kent ME15 6JQ

t 01622 602554 / 01622 602560wwww.maidstone.gov.uk

(Monday-Friday 8:00am to 4:30pm)