The Maidstone Borough Council Local Plan Review Stage 2 Hearings


The main concern for residents of Boxley Parish is the 2,000 house development of a garden settlement at Lidsing which would impact the whole of the parish particularly regarding increases in traffic as the development has no plans for a North/South route from Lidsing to Maidstone and no traffic mitigation measures will be put in place until the first 500 houses are built/occupied.

The plan is now onto Stage 2 Hearings. Main issues from the first stage hearings were the lack of a North South route and the effects on Boxley Village, evidence that a 4th arm to the roundabout at Junction 4 is achievable, effects on the AONB, off-site highway improvements required in Medway, a revised housing trajectory and several other issues that the Inspector is asking for more detailed information on in order for him to rule the Local Plan as sound.

The hearings are being held at Maidstone Town Hall from the 15th May with Lidsing matters being discussed 23-25 May. Members of the public are able to attend the hearings as observers and they are also live streamed.

Boxley Parish residents will be represented at the hearings by the Parish Council Chairman Cllr Chris Sheppard and Borough Councillors Anne Brindle and Bob Hinder.

If you have any views on these proposals or require any further information then please contact the Parish Office. Full details and all documents relating to the hearings can be found on the Maidstone Borough Council website under Local Plan Review.