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Seasonal Burglary Safeguarding Advice

Kent Against Burglary

We have previously seen an increase in burglaries over the autumn and winter months when it gets dark early and we fill our homes with gifts in readiness for Christmas.

However, there are quick steps we can take to help keep our homes, vehicles and valuables as secure as possible, limiting the opportunity for thieves.

Do you secure your home and garden?

Burglars are often opportunists who will target an open window, an unlocked door or valuables on display if they think they can get away with it.

Did you know?

Many burglaries happen on weekdays, in daylight, when you are more likely to be out. As well as locking doors and windows using the keys each time you leave you can also:

1) Keep keys, cash and expensive items away from doors and windows, out of view

2) Use timer switches on lights and radios to make your home look occupied

3) Repair broken or faulty windows or doors

4) Keep gates locked and boundaries secure

5) Lock away bikes, tools and garden items which could be stolen or used to break into your home

Do you protect important items?

Some items you own may be very expensive, unusual, antique or have sentimental value, and therefore would be extremely hard to replace if lost or stolen.

It's a good idea to:

1) Security-mark items including bikes, mobiles and laptops

2) Keep receipts, serial numbers safe and phone IMEI numbers safe

3) Photograph and insure expensive or unique items

4) Install a safe, bolted to the ground or a wall, or use a safety deposit box at the bank

5) Register important items for free on the national Immobilise database – this can help us return them to you if they are stolen and then recovered

Do you lock and alarm your vehicle?

Some burglars may break in to your property looking for the keys to your vehicle.

Always store keys away from doors and windows and take them with you when you go to bed. It's a good idea to store electronic car keys in a signal blocking pouch so they can’t be scanned by thieves.

As well as locking and alarming your vehicle, you should also:

1) Remove items left inside - including jackets and loose change

2) Secure items in your boot, out of view, if you need to leave your vehicle while you’re out - but try not to leave anything inside your vehicle overnight

3) Park in a garage, a secure car park or well-lit location whenever possible

4) wipe away sat nav suction marks left on your windscreen - this could be all it takes to entice a thief to break in, hoping the sat nav is still inside

Remember: If you’re clearing ice from your windscreen and need to go back into the house, remove the keys from the ignition and lock your car. Don’t be tempted to leave it running.