Residents are advised to take extra precautions to try and prevent the
theft of their motor vehicles. Following several reports of FORD FIESTA
vehicles being stolen over the last few evenings, your local Beat Team
officers would like to take the opportunity to remind residents how they
can help make their vehicles less of a target to opportunistic and
organised criminals.
Recent offending has focussed on the areas of Gleaming Wood Drive and
Timbertops, however residents from further afield are also advised to take
measures to prevent incidents occurring.
If any residents have information that may assist investigators
including CCTV, video doorbell footage, or information on suspected
offenders, please contact Kent Police using the online reporting system
here: Report
| Kent Police, using the Live Chat service through the blue link on the
Kent Police website, or via the 101 non-emergency
Preventing car and vehicle
Don't let thieves get an easy ride. Follow these simple rules to
protect your vehicle from thieves.
1. Lock your vehicle
Locking your vehicle, even when filling up or parked on your drive,
greatly reduces the possibility of it being targeted by an opportunist
thief. Even if you have locked your vehicle, check you haven’t left any
windows or the sunroof open.
It is actually illegal to leave your vehicle running unattended while
you de-ice it or warm it up in cold weather. If someone takes it while it’s
left like this, your insurer won’t pay out because you won’t be covered.
If your vehicle has wing mirrors that fold in automatically when
locked, make sure you lock it properly. Criminal gangs are looking for
vehicles like these where the wing mirrors are still out because it is
clear to them that the vehicle has been left unlocked.
2. Keep the keys safe
Vehicles today are by and large more difficult to steal than ever,
unless the thief can access your key or fob to clone them. Keep your keys
safe, out of view when at home, and away from your front door. It’s not
uncommon for car keys to be stolen from inside your home by thieves fishing
for them with a stick and hook through the letterbox.
If you're selling your car and you meet up with a potential buyer, do
not allow the keys out of your sight. Your keys may be cloned by thieves
and used later to steal your vehicle.
Keyless entry:
Cars with keyless entry unlock automatically when the key comes within
a short distance of the car. This can be from inside a pocket or bag. If
you have to push a button on your car key to open your car, you don't have
keyless entry.
Keyless car theft or 'relay theft' is when a device is used to fool
the car into thinking the key is close by. This unlocks the car and starts
the ignition.
Thieves only need to be within a few metres of your car key to capture
the signal, even if it’s inside your home. This means that even if your car
and home are secure, thieves can still unlock, start and steal your car.
How to protect your keyless entry car:
- When at home keep your car key (and the spare) well away from the
- Put the keys in a screened or signal-blocking pouch, such as a
Faraday Bag and check if the bag or pouch is still working every few
- Reprogramme your keys if you buy a second hand car.
- Turn off wireless signals on your fob when it's not being used.
Additional physical security such as locks and immobilisers are still
highly recommended. Section six on this page has more information about
3. Be aware of carjackers
The fact that you’re in the car isn’t always a deterrent to someone
trying to steal it.
In traffic, drive with the doors locked and when queuing leave enough
space in front of your vehicle to enable you to get out of a tight spot. If
your vehicle is bumped from behind, wait to pull over – somewhere safe and
preferably where there are people. After all, you don’t know the person who
has collided with you; they could well be hijackers. If you’re at all
suspicious, consider calling the police.
If someone threatens you, it’s better to hand over the keys to the
vehicle than become a victim of assault. Then call 999
as soon as possible, and ask for the police.
If your car is stolen, some modern vehicle alarm and tracker systems
have the facility to isolate or shut down fuel systems, bringing the
vehicle to a halt and leaving the thief high and dry.
4. Park responsibly
It’s always advisable to avoid parking in dark and secluded areas.
It’s worth an extra five or ten-minute walk if it means your vehicle is
left in a well-lit and busier street.
And if possible, always try to park in illuminated and staffed car
parks or those with a Park Mark safer parking award. To find one, simply
check out Park Mark.
5. Watch for illegal tow
Thieves often attempt to lift vehicles from the street, literally. So,
if you see a towaway crew acting suspiciously – especially if their vehicle
isn’t branded or if they’re not in uniform – then please report it
As with every report of suspicious behaviour made in good faith, we’ll
never blame anyone for calling us if it proves unfounded.
Car parks with height-restricted entrances help prevent illegal tow
trucks and removal vehicles. And fitting a Thatcham rated category 1 or 2 alarm system with
tracking, immobilisation, anti-grab and movement sensors can help protect
and trace your vehicle.
6. Fit good in-car security
Additional physical security can help to prevent your vehicle being
driven away even if a thief gains entry. There are a range of security
rated products tested by Sold Secure that can help, such as steering wheel
locks, pedal boxes and gear stick locks.
Some of these products, tested to Sold Secure Diamond, can even resist
a small hand-held angle grinder.
It's also worth speaking to your vehicle dealership about installing
an aftermarket immobiliser approved by the manufacturer.
Immobilisers prevent a vehicle from starting unless the correct fob,
key or activation process is used. They can be personalised so that you're
the only one who knows how to unset it via a number of dashboard controls.
7. Double-check electronic
Electronic devices can be used to jam the electronic signal from your
key fob to lock your vehicle. Always manually check your vehicle has locked
before walking away.
If unsure, lock it manually, then scan the immediate area for anyone
hanging around. If a potential thief who’s watching feels they’ve been
spotted, they’ll probably move off.
8. Before owning, check for
Changing the identity of a vehicle, known as vehicle cloning, can be
as simple as adding stolen number plates. When buying a vehicle, always
check the DVLA V5 document and make sure the Vehicle Identification Number
(VIN) on the vehicle is the same as on the document.
Make sure you check more than one of the VINs as well as the engine
numbers on the vehicle (see diagram).
a used vehicle you’re buying.
9. Secure your port
Many modern vehicles are fitted with engine management diagnostic
ports, which can unlock and start your vehicle.
If your vehicle has this type of port, consider fitting a lockable
Useful links
For more information about police preferred specification products
that help to reduce the chances of vehicle crime please visit:
Secured by Design (SBD)
Sold Secure
Thatcham Research