Parish Councillor leaflet
The Parish Council
Who are we?
The Parish Council is made up of 15 Councillors representing over 10,000 residents in 4 wards. They are elected by residents every 4 years. All Councillors are volunteers who actually live within the area and they volunteer because they want the needs of this community represented to the Borough and County councils and Central Government.
What do we do?
- The Parish Council has 10 meetings a year on the first Monday of the Month except for August and February. (Agendas are published on the Website and the Parish Council Noticeboards).
- The Environment, Estates and Finance and General Purposes Committees, meet monthly or bi-monthly (all Agendas and Minutes are published on the Website).
- Members of the public are welcome to attend all meetings.
- Liaising with Maidstone Borough Council and Kent County Council regarding infrastructure /policing/community issues to represent your views and gain the best advantage for the local area.
- Reviewing and commenting on planning applications within the Parish .
- Engaging with all interested parties regarding the current and future shape of life in the local area .
- Management of Beechen Hall and its facilities.
- Management of specific land within the Parish such as Dove Hill allotments, Weavering Diamond Jubilee Community Orchard.
- Supporting financially or otherwise local groups, village halls, volunteer groups and schools.
- The day to day business of the Parish is managed by the Clerk and Assistant Clerk at the Parish Office. They deal with enquiries and ensure that the decisions of the Council are put into effect.
- The Parish Council decides what policies to implement, what services to deliver and what activities to support, all within the budget available to the Council.
- Setting a budget (published on the Website).
- Monitoring the activities of the Council to ensure that decisions lead to effective and cost-effective services.
- Listening and involving themselves with their local community to represent their views.
How do I become a Parish Councillor?
To stand for election you must:
- Over 18 years of age;
- A British citizen, an eligible Commonwealth citizen;
- Live within 3 miles of the Boxley parish boundary for the whole of the 12 months prior to your nomination and the day of election; and
- Work in the Parish for the whole of the 12 months prior to your nomination and the day of election, or
- Own land or other premises within the Parish boundary;
- Not be a bankrupt or have received a jail sentence within the past 5 years (suspended or not).
The Parish Council elections take place every 4 years in May.
Vacancies sometimes occur between elections (called ‘Casual Vacancies’) and these are generally filled by co-option. If this happens the vacancy is advertised, and applications sought. You would be welcome to register an interest with the Parish Office.